Zero1 Mobile, a new nationwide MVNO running on AT&T’s network, has just launched with an $69.99 per month unlimited data and and voice plan. For an additional $10 per month, Zero1 Mobile offers unlimited international calling to over 40 countries.
Zero1 is a bit different than other MVNOs in that it uses the data network for both data and voice. Proprietary software installed on your device allows you to make voice calls via the data network and ensures that the quailty of calls stays high when data network connectivity weakens.
Zero1 Mobile only currently supports Windows Mobile devices, however, support for BlackBerry, Android, and other smartph0nes is in the works.
[Source] New Unlimited 3G+ Plus Phone and Internet Service, through Zero1 and Buzzirk Mobile for $79.95.
You guys are pigs there is no such thing as buzzirk mobile it is a big lie.
All that are interested in becoming a Buzzirk Mobile Distributor for Zer01 Mobile services should register at
For consumers who only wish to use the service, they can email to be notified right before the service becomes available to the public. Please keep in mind that the public launch phased roll out will be done on a first-come-first-serve basis!
Additional information on pricing, features and coverage can be found on the web site.