There are rumors floating around that the BlackBerry Bold will go on sale today at various Best Buy locations around the country. If the rumors are true, you will pay a premium to get it.
We are hearing that the Best Buy BlackBerry Bold Price will be $349 with a 2-year contract. That is $50 dollars more than the AT&T price and $150 more than the iPhone that will be sitting about 10 feet away.
Now, I now that the BlackBerry Bold is targeting business users whereas the iPhone targets consumers. I don’t think, however, that smart business people pay 20% premiums to get devices with an expected two your shelf life a week or so earlier than everyone else.
[Via BGR]
I am sitting in my car outside best buy as I write this waiting on my son who is in line to buy guitar hero.
I will let you know in about 40 minutes if they have it…
Please do…
I play basketball at noon on Sundays and Best Buy is about a mile away from the gym. I think that I may leave a little early once Meet the Press goes off and stop by and check it out to see if the rumor is true myself.
I think that RIM is to blame a lot for the Best Buy pricing of the Bold. They just don’t seem to get that consumers aren’t willing to pay that much for a cell phone…
It is not released and not available at Best Buy. It also can not be ordered from Best Buy in store or online.
My understanding is that the price is 299 if you have a plan of 65 or higher. It’s 349 if less than 65. No Bolds out there to be had, but at this point, how can you really get one with the Storm just around the corner? Even though I’d prefer a physical keyboard, 2 to 3 weeks isn’t going to kill me to check out the Storm.
The Bold has been on sale at Best Buy for months (here in Canada). It just hasn’t been available at Best Buy in the US.
The launch of the Bold in the US has got to go down as one of the most ill-handled new device launches in a long time…
Maybe not yesterday, but for just $679.99 it’s yours today!
The lack of WiFi on the storm, and the fact that VZW will cripple it even if it had it, will probably prevent me from getting one. I love WiFi on my TMO Curve. The ability to place calls over WiFi when working in a data center that blocked out most cellular carriers, is extreamly helpful.