I while back I wrote a post about why Bluetooth Blackberry keyboards are not that practical and if I had a digital camera in my BlackBerry I would have taken a picture that would have illustrated this point perfectly.
I saw a guy trying to use a wireless keyboard with what looked like a BlackBerry 8700c. We were sitting on a bus from the airport terminal to the car rental place and as the bus moved, the gentleman found it increasingly difficult to balance the BlackBerry on one knee while trying to type on the keyboard on the other. Finally, he reached into his bag, pulled out his laptop, and used the laptop as a tray to hold the keyboard and the BlackBerry so that he could type his message.
This was funny to me and I thought that I’d share. You would probably would have thought it was funny too if you were looking at a picture of a dude using a laptop as a tray for his BlackBerry and wireless Bluetooth keyboard.
Please Verizon, come out with BlackBerry with camera in it soon….
Robb, I feel your pain. I too prefer Verizon service.
Here in the US we have a unique problem…our best network is not using the technology that is most used across the world. It’s that whole GSM vs CDMA economics issue.
Quite frankly, seeing as Verizon just got the 87xx series, I’m not holding out my breath for a Verizon cameraberry anytime in the next 6 mos. I hope I’m pleasantly surprised…
The 4G standard is rumored to aim to resolve these issues and standardize all carriers on the same technology, but until then…
verizon sucks cdma being closed will never get first crack at any new devices and when verizon does get devices years later they cripple the firmware, its open standard GSM
Wasn’t Verizon the first carrier to come out with the 7130 series?
Yes, Verizon was first with the 7130…which was also the first BB, at least in America, to have 3G…
I do agree with #2 that the world seems to be headed for GSM…and supposedly, by the time we get around to 4G technology, there will be some sort of universal standard that will allow all carriers to merge into the same technology and be compatible…at least that’s what the plans are right now…
One more word regarding CDMA, though: it’s interesting that all forms of 3G, including UMTS/HSDPA, the form of 3G used by GSM carriers, are ultimately based on CDMA technology. In some sense, the whole world, including GSM, is really headed towards a CDMA based technology.
“Yes, Verizon was first with the 7130…which was also the first BB, at least in America, to have 3G…”
The 7250 had EV-DO built in from the begining, but it was only enabled around the time the 7130e was released. VZW also had the Moto Q first, which is not yet available in a GSM model, along with some other great normal phone handsets IMO.