I am sure that you have heard by now that T-Mobile UK is about to come out with an 8700 series BlackBerry. The question that RIMarkable reader Doug and I both have, however, is “Why 8700g and not 8700t?”
I am sure that there is a really good reason for T-Mobile UK coming out with a BlackBerry 8700g instead of a BlackBerry 8700t. If you know, please leave a comment. Doug and I would both really like to know. Maybe the g is for God save the queen or something like that.
There’s a good reason it’ll be called the 8700g and not the 8700t – and that’s because it’s not the T-Mobile version!!! The 8700g is the O2 varient, and the T-Mobile rumours are rubbish.
The G stands for global, C for Cingular and R for Rogers
It looks pretty cool.
It looks somewhat cool.