I was just thinking about how the BlackBerry 7100t first came out on T-Mobile, shortly followed by other GSM carriers with other 7100 models. Verizon, on the other hand, never really came out with and 7100 and went straight to the 7130 for their first candybar size BlackBerry.
T-Mobile is, once again, first to market with the BlackBerry Pearl surely to be followed by the other GSM carriers. It will be some time, from what we’ve seen in the passed, before a CDMA Cameraberry hits the shelves. My question is what do you think that you will see first? A QWERTY Cameraberry or a Verizon CameraBerry?
Maybe RIM will throw us for a loop and the first QWERTY CameraBerry comes out on Verizon. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?
My guess for the order of new releases is this:
The rumored 8800 model next…QWERTY, no camera, thin form factor like the Pearl, in GSM,
Then the CDMA version of the 8100 for Verizon
Then the QWERTY cameraberry for GSM for Christmas 2007 season…
I think you’ll probably see a CDMA Cameraberry by late Q1 to early Q2 of 2007. Probably to take advantage of EVDO-RevA