Back at the beginning of May, we asked “How Long Will It Take Verizon To Release The BlackBerry Curve?” Since the launch of the Verizon BlackBerry Pearl, comments on that post, as well as emails coming in asking when is the Curve coming have started to pick back up.
When do you think that Verizon is going to come out with the BlackBerry Curve?
I’m shocked they came out with the Pearl one after the launch. I’m sure they are going to milk the Pearl for all it’s worth before launching the Curve. If I had to guess, sometime before the halfway mark of next year.
I think that that they may actually come out with the Curve late Q1 to early Q2. The only problem is that AT&T will probably come out with a BlackBerry 9000 series device right before they do and I, like everyone else, will want that instead of a Curve which will seem like an old and dated device by then.
I tried the curve and the keys are too small for my fingers which is why I like the 7130/Pearl suretype. The screen size of the Curve is definitely a plus, but to me the Pearl is the right choice. The keys on the 8830 were more tolerable than the curve though. What complicated the test was the security devices at the store. If they really want to sell those things the security devices ought to offer an unobstructed access without a salesman clinging to you.
I’d only get a Curve over a Pearl if it had GPS. To me GPS is more usefully than a full QWERTY keyboard.
Ben your verizon Pearl 8130 DOES have autonomous GPS as built by RIM, just like the verizon 8830. As to why is doesn’t work….
Verizon gets me again with a disabled feature
GPS Feature Disabled by Verizon
Consumer knowledge is power, ignorance lets verizon to continue FUD’ing and screwing it’s own customers.
As for RIM getting around to making a cdma curve AND verizon deeming it worthy of their customers? Well all things considered RIM doesn’t need to spend time and energy on closed, proprietary, cdma technology since it’s a lose-lose situation. qualcomm, verizon are both on the take, and the end result is consumers are getting BB devices with crippled and removed functions. RIM’s consumers are getting a less than perfect experience with their BB devices due to verizon and the crippling.
RIM shouldn’t waste the time or energy, but a good rule of thumb is cdma gets the GSM scraps a little over a year later.
Hellno, I can see your not a fan of VZW or CDMA, and although I feel the same on some issues, why do you always spend time on the VZW postings? We all know by now you are going to bash it, so why even bother? Believe me, I have my issues with VZW, but then again, I am not a huge fan of any provider.
You can bash VZW all you want – and there are plenty of reasons to, as there are for all carriers – but one thing they do provide BB customers that ATT and TMobile don’t is high-speed data.And their coverage / voice quality is better overall.
Sorry but thats not quite true, although thats one of those things verizon expects you to believe aka verizon FUD. With WiFi T-Mo and At&t ARE providing much faster high-speed data than verizon’s evdo will ever be able to do. As for coverage and voice quality the others are also as good if not better than verizon, any claim different than that is again the kool-aid talking.
Time Warner Cable debunks some other verizon FUD….
As a bonus lets also meet Sir Charge
Sir Charge returns
You are really stretching with that last comment. Most people interested in high speed on their Blackberry want to use their device as a modem for their laptop. If Wi-Fi is available, why would I care about it via my BlackBerry if I could just make the Wi-Fi connection on my laptop in the first place.
Verizon does have a lot of shortcomings. Their network speed, coveraage, and call quality are not on that list. I would love for T-Mobile or even AT&T to be as good as Verizon, but, the plain and simple truth, no matter how you spin it, is that they aren’t in areas important enough to keep customers that are willing to put up with their tactics.
Actually, if you read some of the comparison testing between the BB8300 and the BB8320 w/ Wi-Fi, you’ll notice that the difference in speed between EDGE and Wi-Fi is minimal due to the phones processors not being able to fully utilize/handle Wi-Fi speeds. Check out BGR to read a full comparison test.
@ hellno
I’m a TMO user with the pearl and switching over to Verizon because of the 3G service they offer. I’m a fan of TMO, but they just can’t compete. As for the wifi on the Curve that TMO has, its’s just good for in house reception issues and unlimited talk on the network via wifi. Otherwise, I have to go with verizon on the speed. They have the best, and now the prices are down.
Sorry TMO.
your downgrading…. verizon’s 3G network makes little difference when it comes to BB service. Your losing freedom by going with proprietary cdma and verizon. verizon by the way is dropping cdma and upgrading to LTE which is part of the GSM family of technologies. Sure think your missing the benefit of standard, open global GSM and WiFi in your current BB. The WiFi is certainly good for more than “house reception issues” whats the saying? You’ll be back….
Since someone brought up verizon’s data…. “its the network” alright… NOT.
Verizon updates Terms of Service for data connections
verizon found GUILTY again! New York to Verizon- unlimited does not mean 5 GB
Verizon makes good on disconnecting “unlimited” data accounts for heavy usage
On another thread on the Rimmarkable website, someone posted that they have talked to Verizon engineers who are testing the curve. The claim was that it is going to be black and available when testing is complete.
I’m not saying that any message board posting is accurate but I am on the side of HOPING that it is!
I played with a Pearl at a Verizon store and I just don’t think I can get used to the Suretype and very small screen and working area. The curve is just a little bigger and easier to handle for me. Coming from a Treo I guess that is the influence I am dealing with.
Anyway…I’m hoping the curve rumor is true. It does make sense that they will let the Pearl hype run for awhile and get as many sales as possible out of it before introducing the model that a MAJORITY of Rimmarkable readers would prefer…the CURVE!
Any news or updates on the Curve are anxiously awaited. Let us know what you know!
Once again your blind hatred for all things VZ has led you to astray. You state that “verizon by the way is dropping cdma and upgrading to LTE which is part of the GSM family of technologies.” Technically, this is true. Verizon has announced plans to upgrade to the LTE system. However, it is clear that the LTE system is not ready for roll out, won’t be ready for several years (at least 3) and will take time to implement once it is available. So to make the blanket statement that VZ is abandoning cdma, while technically accurate (at least, today), is misleading. I am certain that by the time LTE is available, most people will have bought and discarded at least 1 cell phone. So the decision about what to buy now need not consider the LTE x-factor.
Curve is likely to come out on Verizon’s network sometime after the 9930…in other words, never. I just hope the 9930 ends up being better than the Curve is today.
Hellno is humorous at least. Fact is, not VZ user is totally happy with them. The GPS thing was almost enough for me to can my 8830. But the average user – in the US or in Europe – doesn’t care what technology is used. They only care that when they make a phone call, it goes through. Fact is, VZ is still the best at that. The day they aren’t will be the day that people will leave a company with inferior products and high prices. Until then, no amount of GSM fan boyness is going to convince anyone.
@ Marcus
It sounds like you and I (and many others) are in the same boat with wanting the Curve. Did they in any way suggest how long the testing phase usually runs?
You must have felt left out. Thanks for agreeing that hellno speaks the TRUTH. No the TRUTH is not blind. As for LTE I never stated it’s rolling out tomorrow, but verizon will within the next 2-3 years roll it out, and WILL abandon cdma like it should have done long ago. That will be righting one of many wrong choices made by Bell Atlantic NYNEX Mobile. Voda will make sure verizon rolls out LTE on schedule.
I think there was a berry outage today again.
Sorry, but I have to disagree. It’s no a downgrade when you go from EDGE to a 3G data network. Talking data here, not just receiving email. I’ve used TMO for close to 5 years and they have the best pricing and customer service, but data and call quality they do not. I’m not looking for ‘world’ compatability, nor do I plan on having the same phone after one year. When Verizon switches over on the technology and drops CDMA, then I’m sure all their phones will be traded in at some point. Also, regarding the wifi on the BB and it’s use, I’ve seen every report on the speed of wifi on the devices and there has been no evidence of any speed improvement. Only advantage is the wifi calls that can be made and email reception in areas that can’t carry the signal.
Also, for those of you moving or buying the Pearl on Verizon, the rumor of the 10MB limitation for the $29.99 plan are untrue. It’s unlimited, and only for BB users. All other data plans at that price carry a 10MB limit.
$10 more than TMO, but the speed will be worth it for data ($15 extra if you use it as a modem) and web browsing.
you keep posting this but where is the proof? Even when verizon has claimed unlimited it turns out to be not unlimited. verizon has been sued and has been forced to re-state that “verizon unlimited” is not really unlimited (as posted with links above) if you think for a second that your going to be able to tether and run unlimited from verizon and have no problems, I got a bridge to sell you. If your not going to tether than that 3G matters not to your BB. I DO think you have NOT read all the reports about wifi on BB devices as I have seen different, for sure i’ve seen the 8800 series seems to do pretty well on WiFi and have also read the BG reports might have been incorrect on the 8320. Also read it might be the BB browser since the opera browser IS much faster? The bug will be worked out and WiFi on the 8320 will still be faster, and cheaper than any 3G cdma verizon has.
Your downgrading to both cdma, and verizon….
Here is a description of the plan:
Here is the caveat from the fine print from Verizon’s website:
“A person engaged in prohibited uses, continuously for one hour, could typically use 100 to 200 MBs, or, if engaged in prohibited uses for 10 hours a day, 7 days a week, could use more than 5 GBs in a month.
For individual use only and not for resale. We reserve the right to protect our network from harm, which may impact legitimate data flows. We reserve the right to limit throughput or amount of data transferred, and to deny or terminate service, without notice, to anyone we believe is using an Data Plan or Feature in any manner prohibited above or whose usage adversely impacts our network or service levels. Anyone using more than 5 GB per line in a given month is presumed to be using the service in a manner prohibited above, and we reserve the right to immediately terminate the service of any such person without notice.”
So while it is not technically unlimited (the suit was spurred by unscrupulous people taking advantage of the system) if you use it to surf, email, IM, etc., you will be well below the threshold set by Verizon.
One will be below the verizon “unlimited” threshold using the BB for data only on the BB. If tethering is involved (maybe the only reason for arguing evdo vrs. edge vrs. WiFi) the verizon customer will be by verizon’s language engaging in prohibited uses, and will be punished verizon style.
WiFi built into come of our BB’s is a pro-consumer choice and is both faster and cheaper than evdo or edge.
No word on how long testing was going to take so I sit and await further rumors, hints, news and hope.
What I want to know is whether Verizon will make the Curve a World Edition phone. I don’t want to give up Verizon’s call quality — best by far in SF Bay Area — but I also need the capability to roam overseas. And for tethering… forget about ATT slow-arse edge network. So that’s two downgrades from Verizon… call quality and modem speed…
Any word from the testers on whether it will be a CDMA/GSM combo device like the 8830?
Couple of thoughts….
VZ is not moving voice services to LTE. LTE is for next generation data services. It can support VoIP but they aren’t abandoning CDMA.
LTE is just a choice and has nothing to do with the GSM or CDMA debate. It is a totally different technolgy – OFDM. Read below.
“The wide set of options initially identified by the early LTE work was narrowed down, in December 2005, to a working assumption that the downlink would use Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and the uplink would use Single Carrier – Frequency Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA). Although opinions were divided, it was eventually concluded that inter-Node-B macro-diversity would not be employed.”
Similarly Sprint’s WiMAX has nothing to do with CDMA or GSM. It is a microwave based technology.
LTE will soon (next 3-4 years) replace cdma. Voda has told verizon they WILL do so.
Verizon dumps CDMA for GSM-based LTE in 4G networks
The Curve is not a world phone, The Curve is not even available for cdma as we speak. You can go with freedom of standard, open, global GSM or go with proprietary cdma which is in decline globally. GSM networks are as good if not better than cdma networks anything else is FUD.
The TRUTH will set you free.
Now I’m in front of a system, so I can articulate better instead of typing away on my Pearl and hoping for the best.
It seems as if you’re being ignorant regarding GSM vs. CDMA. True, GSM is a technology that is more receptive on a global basis, but let the facts be told, CDMA is the better technology here in the States. AT&T is awful, and I’m sure you’ve been doing your reading on the disappointment for all the iPhone users out there and the ‘Edge’ technology. Let it also be said that Apple did approach Verizon first. Goes to show which network works better…
Now, as for your issue regarding Verizon, the lawsuits, etc. Verizon is offering the data for web browsing on the BB Pearl for $29.99, and it will be unlimited. If you want tethering, it will cost $15 more, and if you abuse it (5GB or more), then they have the option of warning you or discontinuing your service. Most people out there are not going to link their systems up so they can download 5GB worth of music, etc. It’s geared towards the business class, which is Verizon’s core targeted audience, and is exactly the purpose of my use.
Again, I love TMO, I currently use them, but the dropped calls from time to time, slow EDGE, and occasional missing text lead me to using Verizon exclusively. And yes, I’ve been using both TMO and Verizon. I’ve used AT&T in the past and prefer not to, although my wife does. What can I say, she likes her phone.
If GSM improves it’s data speed, becomes more reliable, etc., then I’d switch. I’ll go with whoever provides the best service and technology. I could care less about who the company is unless the rates are ridiculous.
Hellno, to paraphrase, you said previously that if you aren’t tethering, then 3G doesn’t matter for a BB user. I surf the Web on my VZW 8830 and I must tell you it certainly does matter. EVDO allows for much quicker surfing than EDGE. And yes, Wi-Fi is good, but when you leave your house (or Starbucks or an airport) you are more likely to be in VZW’s EVDO network than you are a Hotspot.You make some valid arguments, and I agree with you on a lot of things, but I think you need to reign in your anti-VZW rants just a tad.
I will say that I’d much rather, IMHO, have 3G, which EVDO is, than WiFi in any mobile device. I also have an iPhone and one thing I’ve found out is that WiFi is not all that ubiquitous, and certainly not free WiFi.
3G on the other hand, is everywhere, and that is a far greater luxury than WiFi. If you have 3G, you really don’t need WiFi, especially if you have Verizon, where you tend to get signal just about everywhere.
I’m no fan of much of what VZW does in the way of anti-consumer policies, but I do believe they have the most pervasive network.
i used my blackberry 8830 on VZW to tether my laptop for certainly more than 5GB per month and they have noy cut me down. I was not engaging in prohibited activities as well. My conclusion: VZW does not automatically throttle speeds down when you surpass 5GB. Perhaps if you do this thru prohibited usage then they would cut you off. I believe that after the law suits against VZW they will be very cautious and laid back about the data cap they have established. They have not cut me down (yet) and i have also not be charged. I know some other stories have been posted on blackberry forums about tethering for more than 5GB usage on laptops and xbox 360s and none of those people have been cut off either. So there is your proof that VZW is just fine.
bluehorseshoe, wow another post of misinformation, no wonder why there is so much confusion.
Please post the FACTS instead of fiction and spinning. Don’t start calling names, or trying to make ones own thoughts into what others are saying, better speak for oneself. That is exactly how grand illusions and FUD start. btw as a BB and iPhone user I found EDGE to be acceptable and plenty of WiFi to use too. Been missing all those legitimate news articles of Apple iPhone and RIM BB users upset with the speed of GSM and EDGE. Here is a tip, there are good reasons why RIM and Apple didn’t put 3G chips into current devices, the power use by those chips suck, also wcdma is not as standard, open and global as GSM thanks to qualcomm.
Now which is it? in one claim you use T-Mo in another claim you use verizon “exclusively” and then you follow it up with reasons based on nothing but FUD. Whats interesting is all blind accepting of claims that verizon’s anti-consumer, anti-union, restrictive, crippling and function removing culture is ok since you feel it doesn’t effect you. Then again blindly letting the service providing company (verizon) take advantage of it’s customers and feed the FUD day after day.
Verizon doesn’t offer TRUE unlimited data. The grandstanding about evdo being so much better than GSM EDGE matters not when it comes to the RIM BB. Greg I hear you on the evdo comment however WiFi is in more places than not and is both cheaper and faster than evdo will ever be. In my area WiFi signals are almost everywhere, and it’s certainly the better and more controllable wireless technology indoors and within offices.
“business class, which is Verizon’s core targeted audience”? really? please add this to the growing list of PROOF requested, with each of your posts you are getting further from reality. Are you trying to say T-MO, At&t, Sprint and the other providers don’t “target” the “business class”? Perhaps a trip from fantasy vealot land to learn that at&t is the largest North American provider of BB’s, as well is the largest North American provider, might negate FUD claims which are different.
Also please provide the FACTS that Apple talked with verizon first, other than the lies and FUD claims made by verizon while trying desperately to do damage control as the iPhone was causing lots and lots of churn away from verizon. Do you think for a second Apple would build a device for 1000’s of consumers in North America instead of billions of consumers globally? Do you think for a second Apple would deal with closed, proprietary qualcomm technology instead of standard, open, global, GSM? The plain and simple answer to verizon’s iPhone FUD is NO.
Your downgrading to both cdma, and verizon….
just because you feel you have not been caught yet doesn’t prove anything.
The truth about verizon and it’s internal FUD meaning of “unlimited” is all around you:
New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo announced yesterday that his office had beaten a $1 million “agreement” out of Verizon Wireless that will see the carrier compensate 13,000 customers it had summarily disconnected from their “unlimited” plans because they had taken the word to mean …
good luck trying to explain your need for prohibited tethering to the verizon fat cats.
I do agree with “hellno” that those rumors of Apple first approaching Verizon with the iPhone seem to be far fetched if you consider that it would make far more sense for Apple to produce a GSM phone first rather than a CDMA one. Look at how Apple is able to now spin off it’s iPhone into European markets very easily; that wouldn’t be so easy if Apple had gone with VZW.
At best perhaps Apple did approach VZW as well as ATT in order to increase its negotiating leverage with ATT. I mean who else would Apple have gone to…surely not T Mobile.
One more interesting fact, now that hellno has brought up the ATT vs VZW debate, along with the iPhone thrown in for good measure: notice how since ATT came out with the iPhone, they have beat Verizon each quarter in number of net subscribers added? It wasn’t that way before the iPhone…VZW was catching up with ATT every quarter and was on an arc to surpass them in total subs in probably about 12 to 18 months? Now that curve is reversed, and ATT is stretching its lead every quarter. I’d say that ATT has already reaped huge dividends from the iPhone.
You’re off the wall! Facts? You keep repeating the same crap that everyone knows. If you really believe that EDGE is superior to EVDO Rev.A, then you’re oblivious to the IT world. I work with reps from TMO, VZW and AT&T (would never even consider Sprint), and have made corporate decisions on the equipment used and the contracts awarded, on a national level. As for the unlimited crap, you have to hit 5GB per month in data transmission. Most people can’t hit 500MB when outside on the road! I wouldn’t use the service to download crap off of iTunes!
As for myself, I use both TMO (personal) and Verizon (work). I’m dropping TMO because the VZW service is just more reliable and better suited for the work I do.
You seem to be someone who just digs up stuff on VZW for whatever reason. Not sure why, nor do I care. I just care about the best service provided. If that changes down the road, then I’m more than happy to leave VZW. GSM has the global advantage? Sure…but I work here in the States and don’t have a need to use the phone overseas or outside of the country.
PS – As for the iPhone, it was the smarter move by Apple to play VZW against AT&T, and then get AT&T to concede a percentage of the monthly fees. Makes the manufacturing cycle easier for Apple to pump out iPhones on a global scale. Duh. VZW basically pushed Apple out the door anyway due to the demands and of course the VZW customization requirements. Imagine Jobs and the VZW crew trying to work out what goes on the phone. Not a chance…
The FACTS and TRUTH are more important than the fanboy verizon games.
EDGE in some ways is far superior than evdo, EDGE has a much larger global footprint. evdo might be the better technology BUT it’s closed technology and you must deal with qualcomm to use it, and there are many drawbacks in using it. There are more than a handful top tier device manufactures which want nothing to do with evdo and qualcomm. The whole argument between evdo, edge and wifi started when one claimed T-mo “can’t compete”. Well in terms of the RIM BB (this is T-Mo can and does keep up using both EDGE and WiFi technologies, T-Mo also keeps up by keeping the prices low, and with it’s superior customer service. It’s also very short sighted to claim T-Mo aka Deutsche Telekom “can’t compete” The reasoning and excuses claimed as reasons for “switching” (now we find not switching, but using your work phone and dropping your personal phone) are invalid from word one. WiFi is a up and coming technology in mobile devices, one which some of the carriers are afraid of. WiFi has many more uses than “for in house reception issues and unlimited talk on the network via wifi.” Again WiFi is faster than evdo, and is also cheaper than evdo. While staying on topic, I’d say the RIM BB Curve 8320 with EDGE and WiFi can not only compete but exceed offerings from the cdma carriers. Now will there be a Curve with evdo? who knows and who cares. At this point cdma providers and their customers should be counting their lucky stars that over a year after the Pearl came out for GSM it trickled down to cdma. There is many a good reason why RIM focuses on GSM and not on declining cdma. There is little advantage for evdo over EDGE and WiFi when it comes to our RIM BB’s.
Apple was never “in the door” for verizon to push them out, (fantasy land now) IF verizon did push Apple and the iPhone out it just proves more what idiots they are at verizon. IF verizon has such a wonderful network based on evdo (which is being sh*tcanned for LTE) and knowing that there is not even a 1/4 of the handset devices being made for cdma why all the lies, greed and arrogance? IF verizon’s network was so hot why not give consumers the freedoms to use it as they please and pay for what they use? Why all the restrictions? Why all the crippling removing of functions, and then FUD to try to cover it all up? Why is verizon “unlimited” not unlimited?
Due to that all being completely true about verizon, there is really no reason for RIM to make a cdma Curve for verizon. There certainly is no rush. Especially when verizon customers seem to need to twist reality to desperately justify using verizon and closed, declining cdma instead of standard, open, global GSM in the first place. Some will just never get it. When a service providing company constantly does things to screw and nickel and dime it’s customers, while other providers are as good if not better than them it’s a no brainer which company deserves to have the consumer as a valued customer and which company continues to treat it’s customers like they are brainless sheep. Just like GSM technology and RIM deserve each other and cdma gets the scraps it deserves.
I got my curve on Monday the 5th works great… and I am in South Africa…heh
For someone who hates verizon you probably spend more time than anyone on Verizon sites. It really does not matter what you say in your posts until you tell me how long have you been with Verizon. If you never had Verizon how can u say negative things. I can say Ford’s suck but I have only had Hondas. How credible is my opinion on that. If you did have Verizon than according to your posts you were also an idiot and how could I accept your opinion either. Spend time researching your own cell provider if you spend have as much time digging up dirt on your provider as you do on Verizon you would probably not be happy either. All cell providers screw the consumer one way or another. Cheaper data rates equal slower connnections. Maybe providers put wifi on their phones because they know their data connections SUCK. Just my 2 cents and yes I can say this because I have had att cingular sprint nextel and alltel bfore Verizon
hate a service provider? nope, Your incorrect but do like to find and point out the TRUTHS of this very special service provider which are not only anti-consumer, but also anti-union. No other major wireless service provider has the greed and arrogance of verizon. No other major service provider cripples and removes functions from consumers wireless devices and then try’s to LIE and pass blame to the device manufacture. No other major service provider goes out of their way to make things more difficult and expensive on it’s customers.
Consumer ignorance is what verizon makes it’s money on, and so far there has been a endless supply of mindless sheep believing anything and everything verizon tells them. Oh and Patrick providers DON’T “put wifi on their phones” device manufactures such as Rim DO, however it’s verizon which makes sure WiFi, Bluetooth, and GPS is crippled from their devices.
Long story short I went to verizon for some phone issues (they charge 50 bucks for another phone even with insurance) Anywho I asked one rep, he said he was waiting for it too. Like he knew when it was coming but didn’t want to say anything, but then another rep chimed in and said the 14th. I was asking her if she was sure it wasn’t the pearl she said no. So we’ll see if she’s a complete moron or knows what shes talking about.
It sounds like she might be a moron. No way a Curve is out this soon on VZW, especially with the Pearl coming tomorrow. If it did, there would be a lot of Pearls being returned for a Curve.
You know it would be great if you could come to a forum like this and get information to make an informed buying decision and not have to listen to bunch of idiots piss and moan about everything. Freud was right it’s always about sex or money… lot of broke people here who don’t have sex.
(siasconset) i was thinking the same thing! LOL
As for a post up top, I did notice that has a black option now on that page! I am not sure if another provider has a black curve, but in going thru each one I did not see that! So… If there is any truth to the VZW tech about it being tested and being black, maybe we are getting close!
I am with all of you VZW calls just work! Sure they are over priced, and customer service is about as shitty as it gets! And their phone’s are LAME! But when I want to make a call it WORKS! and that’s why I have a cell phone!
Anxiously awaiting the release of Curve on VZW as well. I so want this phone, but not on the ATT nor Tmobile network.
Found this helpful info here: [PICS]
I’ve got no affiliation with that site; just thought it is cool to see others watching for the CDMA curve.