WebMessenger, the popular IM application that allows you to access AIM, Google Talk, MSN Messenger, and Yahoo Messenger is now free.
I am not exactly sure why WebMessenger Inc. has started giving away WebMessenger when they previously sold it, however, I am going to go out on a limb and guess that the fact that free clients for these IM services are widely available had something to do with it.
WebMessenger is a business class IM client so if you are looking to consolidate the number of IM clients that you currently have on your BlackBerry, or, are just into free BlackBerry software, download WebMessenger and give it a whirl…
Why didn’t you post a link?
Link here –> http://www.webmessenger.com/downloads/mimregistration.jsp
Just tried using it. Not digging it. I’ll stick to yahoo and google talk. Those clients are cleaner.
Just plain forgot Stephen… Thanks for posting it AF
ok, im a BB noob so be easy on me. Is this a good IM client or are there better ones out there….
thanks in advance.
PS: I wish i got rid of my palm treo a lot sooner… the BB curve 8310 rocks!!!
Well ian,
I think that the Yahoo and GMail clients for BlackBerry are better than WebMessenger. If however, you need to connect to multiple IM networks, WebMesseger may not be a bad choice.
How’s this compare to ECQ?