We just picked this up from BlackBerry Cool today, however, last week Verizon announced a worldwide deployment of 19,500 BlackBerrys to 56 or so Bureau field offices. The new devices will allow agents to access the Sensitive But Unclassified (SBU) Mobility Program for the first time from handheld devices.

In addition to providing the devices Verizon is also conducting in-person training with agents and transferring phone book contacts to the new BlackBerry 8830s.

“The FBI works hard to provide our agents and professional staff with the technology needed to perform their job anywhere in the world,” said FBI Chief Information Officer Zalmai Azmi. “These devices allow FBI employee’s access not only to the internet, e-mail calendar and taskings, but also to applications critical to our mission such as the no-fly list, missing and kidnapped persons, crime alerts, etc.”
