Well, for those of you interested in or currently using Verizon, waiting to order and can’t wait until Friday, the Curve is for sale now on their web site. No need to login, it’s up for grabs for all. As you can see by the image, the online price is $219.99 with a $50 rebate, bringing the total to $169.99.
Verizon BlackBerry Curve On Sale Now, Online
by bluehorseshoe | May 7, 2008 | BlackBerry | 13 comments

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Um..great…but when will they be available in stores?
At the moment it seems to be “camera shy” with no product image displaying when you order. Based on reports and photos from those who persuaded Verizon CSRs in the Mid-West to ship them a Curve early, this is the silver model.
We found it online here…
Thanks for the heads up bluehorseshoe. Just ordered a Curve.
When did you start posting here, by the way? You usually are on the comment side of things.
Got mine last night when it appeared. Wish it were black but will be happy with silver.
I got fed up with waiting for VZW and purchased a Curve from Att two weeks ago. Got it for $99 and I only had to sign up for a 1 year commitment vs a 2 year with VZW. I knew Verizon was going to get a premium for their version and require a longer commitment. I have to say that even though I am located and travel throughout the NY, PA and OH, I have only had one incident of poor service where the call quality suffered. So far, I am very happy with the curve and satisfied with the service Att has provided. In fact the customer service via telephone for Att has been superior to that of what I received from VZW (so far anyways). VZW may think they have the corner on the market and they have most of their customers thinking this too. But, so far I am happy to have made the switch. They are definitely not the only game in town.
Glad to see that AT&T is owrking well for your. Unfortunately, I live in the hills in the SF Bay Area, and the only carrier that works at my house is Verizon.
To those of you who have received their VZW BB Curve, have you been able to get the GPS to work w/o VZ Navigator? Like with Google Maps? or another 3rd party app? Mine is due to arrive tonight.
@ BB_Smurf
I haven’t been able to – it says no GPS detected in Google Maps. I think it’s locked down.
i have not been able to get GPS to work. There’s a GPS icon on the home screen, but i can’t get BB Maps or Google Maps to actually utilize GPS.
@ Victor,
If you are using a VZW Curve, you’ll need to subscribe to Verizon’s navigator service in order to get the GPS functionality to work. You can get Google maps to work, however it goes by the cell tower location and not your phone.
This is one of the issues many individuals have with vzw because they lock down the device for a few extra dollars. I do have to say that those few extra dollars add up each quarter when they report earnings though.
Doing the Enterprise Activation on the BES with my new BB Curve on VZW. Coming from a BB 7130e, I am amazed at the quantum leap in feel, weight and usability. And a QWERTY keyboard. Oh yeah!
BTW, any recommendations for a cover or some type of protection? I dropped my 7130 more than a few times and needed Lockline to replace one!
in stores on monday, may 12.