Hey Verizon,
We know that it takes you a year to get the CDMA version of BlackBerry devices after everyone else gets the GPRS ones, so I make this request on behalf of the all the BlackBerry 7250 and 8703e users that would like to go to a CameraBerry with a full QWERTY keyboard but don’t want to wait until 2008 to get one.
Can we skip the BlackBerry Pearl and go straight to the BlackBerry 8800 Crimson?
We know that you have a lot of BlackBerry 7130e customers that are happy with SureType. Heck, I am one of them, however, it is more about the size of the 7130e and not so much the SureType keyboard that attracts people to it. Don’t get me wrong. I don’t have a problem with SureType and actually think it is kind of cool. I, however, don’t have a problem with full QWERTY keyboards either so long as the device that I am using it on isn’t the size of pocket calculator from 1984.
I imagine that most folks that like SureType would trade it for a full QWERTY keyboard Crimson a lot quicker than 7250 or 8703e users who hate SureType would do the visa versa. So Verizon, why don’t you guys put the CDMA Pearl on the back burner and go all out trying to get a BlackBerry 8800 Crimson ready by this time next year. Your BlackBerry subscribers will love you for it.
Has anyone heard a timeline for a Dual mode cdma/gsm blackberry from Verizon? Our reps have no clue about anything that has to deal with global data.
Robb: I’m totally with you on this.
However, I have a feeling that this is not Verizon’s decision, but mostly RIM’s…although, given Verizon’s clout in the US marketplace, they probably do have some influence to exercise if they choose to do so.
a year for verizon? try 2+ to get a damn unit on nextel. We are fully nextel blackberries at work and ive been stuck with my 7520 for a while now. I need something else full size…soon… my 7520 is on its last leg!
We may never see a BlackBerry 8800 on Nextel. My guess is that Sprint will get it right after Verizon and that iden users may be left out in the cold.
Time will definitely tell…
Robb, I fully expect this to happen, one would just hope with them combining systems, sprint would be smart enough to make their sprint version to have the iden chip in there, only for push to talk… or somehow have the nextel compatible PPT
I’m considering purchasing a BBerry, but have verizon-does anyone know when the new devices are coming out? I see the 8800 which looks awesome as well as Pearl-I don’t want to wait too long please help
Unfortunately Chris, it will be well into next year before the BlackBerry Pearl or the 8800 come to Verizon.
Thanks for your fast reply-I’ll guess I’ll start with the 8700 and look to upgrade later.
I am a Verizon customer which the Treo 700W. Looking to go back to Blackberry. Should I go for the 8703 or wait till next year and get the Pearl and 8800. I am anxious to switch.
Well Chuck,
It really depends on you. It will, from what we here, be a while before the 8800 comes to Verizon. If you want a BlackBerry now, go with the 8700. You could always upgrade when the 8800 comes out.
Thanks for the feedback. Do you know how the web browser of the Blackberrys compare to the Treo. I remember a couple of years ago when I had a BB the browser wasnt that great.
Better yet,
Release one with a camera and one without for corporate customers.
“Release one with a camera and one without for corporate customers.”
That’s a bad Idea. I can tell you I have 30 people that don’t have Blackberries, and when the one hits verizon with a camera everyone of them will get one. All would be on our corporate account.
Rob… can you define “well into next year before Verizon gets the 8800 or the Pearl”? Like Q1, Q2, Q3? Thanks. I’d love to get a Pearl but I don’t want to switch service back to Cingular.
Ususally, Verizon comes out with their version of a BlackBerry 9 months to a year after the Cingular / T-Mobile version comes out.
There have been rumors, however, that Verzion may come out with an 8800 as early as Q2.
The photo that is posted with this article shows a VERY attractive, slim b’berry that I would love to get my hands on as a Verizon Wireless customer (6 years now!) who doesn’t want a two year old model like the 7130e, which is ridiculously thick. The 8800 that is supposedly coming out in Q2 on Verizon doesn’t look like this. Am I missing something or is this phone coming out after the Q2 release?
We wrote this post last October and in the grand scheme of things, Verizon took our advice.
We know when the BlackBerry 8830 is coming out. The Verizon BlackBerry Pearl is still a rumor at best.
that image looks scrunched. The pearl on the inside isn’t supposed to be an oval. This phone is fatter than this image.
I really want the blackberry pearl! I am signed into verizon, but they are skipping straight into getting the wider blackberry crimson, but i want the pearl because it is slicker and not as wide. Verizon, y’all are a great network, but need to get the cool phones!!! You are not even getting the iPhone!! Now, I and a lot of friends, co-workers… have all been talking about switching to cingular because of the cooler phones.
I am considering waiting for the Pearl or getting a BBerry now. What is the major reasons to wait?
Also, I use MSOutlook – Business contact manager 2007 – is my data in MSBCM compatable with a blackberry? Will I be able to sink my contacts?
I just called the Verizon customer service and asked about upgrading my phone. I said I would like to get a BB Pearl. The guy paused, looked at something in his system and said that they would have it within a couple of months. This means that Verizon is already giving this information out officially – Pearl in the stores around November!
Just so you all know, I called the guys up at coporate (I work for Verizon), and the release date for the BB Pearl will be the first week in November.