AskMeKnow is a new service that you can ask AnyThing and get an answer back on your BlackBerry within 3 minutes. They really do mean AnyThing (family oriented questions only) when they say AnyThing. I have spent the last 20 minutes asking the most ridulous questions that I could think of that one could reasonably expect to find the answer to on the internet and each question has been answered in less than 2 minutes, a full minute less then the three minutes that AskMeNow says it could take.

AskMeNow enables anyone with a cell phone to have fast access to accurate, quality information about almost anythinganytime, anywhere.

Through its groundbreaking services, AskMeNowTM , is committed to keeping its users connected while on the go. Users can get quick and easy access to 411 info, Weather, Movie Times, Sports Scores, Directions, Horoscopes, Flight Information, Stock Quotes and more – all from their cell phone within moments.

AskMeNow is currently in final beta and the service is free to all beta subscribers. You can download the software directly to your BlackBerry by going to