I don’t think that anyone would question that the iPhone, with its SDK and upcoming native Exchange support, is trying to make inroads into the enterprise smartphone market currently dominated by the BlackBerry. There is no doubt that RIM is trying to make the BlackBerry more appealing to consumer users as well.
A question that I have and would love to hear your feedback on is which device will see more success in the other players market? Will the BlackBerry be a better bet with consumers than the iPhone will be with business users or will the opposite be true?
I’ve got my opinions, but, would love to hear what you think…
Come on look at the two side by side, the BOLD kicks A**, it’s way nicer lookin. The BOLD’s browser, from what I hear will compete with the crapple browser, the touch screen keyboard sucks!! IMO, the BOLD wins hands down, end of story….
The Blackberry will definitely be a bigger hit with consumers than the iphone will with business users simply because you can get a BlackBerry on all of the major wireless carriers.
I owned an iPhone and can say hands down that it was the one of the coolest mobile phones that I’ve ever owned. The coverage just wasn’t there. I sold it, bought a iPod Touch and a BlackBerry 8830 and haven’t looked back.
I feel that most businesses are comfortable with their relationship with Blackberry and Apple will struggle to invade that territory. Add in the fact that I’m slowly starting to notice more and more college aged people using blackberry – I think the edge goes to RIM. The iPhone is nice – but it’s the only option where as RIM is providing a variety of different devices that suits individualized needs. I think that will ultimately help RIM get a larger segment of the consumer market than Apple will get in the business one….
Of course – I’m biased as are most people that will respond to this post. It is after all a blackberry centric blog……..
Does anyone know if the keyboard on the Bold has been improved upon since the 8800? I go month to month with on my Verizon plan in August and was going to look to upgrade to the Curve then but can tough it out another month if this is really coming out in September. The only thing is I don’t like the keyboard on the 8830 but like the size better than the Curve so I figure that if the keyboard on the Bold is better I can go with that.
Now if only the BB can get close to the web surfing ability like the iPhone, then they’d have the ultimate iPhone killer. Right now, the iPhone owns the web browsing feature on all handsets. I had an iPhone and that’s was the one thing I loved about it, the rest of the phone sucked 🙂
You don’t realize how clueless your statement makes you look. The 9000’s browser will be an improvement, but it will no way, no how be even half way as good as mobile Safari. You can keep telling yourself that it will be if that makes you feel better.
argonnj – you actually don’t know how good or bad the new browser will be. remember two factors 1. a 624 mhz processor (vs 312 mhz in current models) and 2. 3G network. The increased power lets RIM do more things with its software that couldn’t be accomplished with current models. I don’t know how much of an improvement the BB browser will be, but you can’t categorically say that mobile safari will be twice as good. Well, actually you can, but you sound the same as every emotionally driven apple fanatic.
It will indeed be harder to dislodge BB in the enterprise realm. Enterprises move far more slowly, and if they have something that is working, they tend to stick with it, no matter if something else is available, even if some should think it superior.
That being said, Apple has the far better marketing machine, and I still meet many business people who are jazzed about the iPhone in ways they are not about the BB.
I suspect that smaller businesses will be the first ones prone to switching to the iPhone, where let’s say, a key decision maker, like the owner, can just decide to switch because he likes the iPhone.
Fortune 500 companies with large deployments are a whole other matter; with them it will be like Apple trying to make headway against Windows computers. Their IT shops are already set up for BB, they have a ton of BB’s already deployed, they are reluctant to spend money on expensive change overs. The only way these companies will change is if Apple is perceived as offering something vastly superior from a raw productivity standpoint.
The bold is hot! It can do nearly all that the iphone can do and you don’t need the fingers of a two year old and the patience saint to type a a simple text message.
Blackberryhomepage.com is giving away free pearls!!!
iPhone is more pretty and has everything smart to offer. Blackberry has the gutts to outperform Apple. Competition i tough…but users will always be in benefit.