Chances are that if you’ve ever seriously thought about using your BlackBerry as a modem for you laptop you’ve heard of TetherBerry, a great utility that allows you to do so without a monthly subscription from your wireless carrier. Well, TetherBerry has changed their name. They are now known simply as Tether, are holding a 50% off sale until Jan. 11th, and are entering a beta for an Android version of the software.
I have personally used Tether since it first came out and can honestly tell you that it is one heck of a BlackBerry application. All you have to do is install Tether on your PC or Mac laptop, install Tether on your BlackBerry, and connect your laptop to the internet via your BlackBerry device’s wireless connection using your USB cable or Bluetooth at speeds up to 1.8 Mbps.
Tether normally costs $49.95 and is well worth it at this price, however, to commemorate,the rebranding of their name and the launch of the Tether for Android Beta, Tether for BlackBerry is only $24.95, 50% the regular price.
Purchase Tether for BlackBerry — Only $24.95, 50% off the regular $49.95 until Jan. 11th
It looks like BlackBerry App World has Tether on sale for $19.99. I am checking with Tether to see if this is an App World exclusive, or, if we could get a 20% discount code or something, but, for now, if you are interested in Tether, check out BlackBerry App World.
Tether on App World today shows $19.95. Is this the same one?
Yes, it is. I just went through the purchase process and the App World version is indeed $19.95. I don’t know that this was supposed to be the case and am checking with Tether to see if there was an exclusive deal they had worked out with App World.
In the short term, I recommend purchasing through App World as 20% less is 20% less. Hope to have an update soon…
Thanks for the heads up…
Thanks Eric… You saved me 5 bucks.
Sorry you don’t get the commission Robb, but, you get props for letting us know you can get it cheaper elsewhere.
Yeah props definitely got to RIMarkable for putting readers before profits. I am sure that you have no obligation to let customers know that they can buy the same software somewhere else for less.
I really want to buy this. What is the likelyhood that VZW is going to cancel my account for using it?