Remember when Steve Jobs said that Apple wouldn’t make an iPhone with a slide-out keyboard?
Well that was until he realized that he simply wouldn’t gain ground in the business world on the BlackBerry unless he reversed his stance.
According to The Register, mobile operators are reporting that a corporate iPhone with a slide-out keyboard may already be in the works. Jobs is asking what if type questions. “If you had a keyboard version, how many would you take?”
From the BlackBerry side of things…
We already know that the BlackBerry Thunder is coming and it will be first BlackBerry with a touchscreen, however, like the iPhone, will not have physical keyboard. I expect many BlackBerry users will shy away from anything without an actual keyboard and this includes the BlackBerry Thunder.
Although I am glad that the BlackBerry Thunder is coming out on Verizon first, I’ve often wondered why RIM would allow the BlackBerry Thunder to be a lifetime exclusive on Verizon. I can only hope that this is because another touchscreen BlackBerry with a slide-out keyboard is in the works for the other carriers.
Just like it was inevitable that the a BlackBerry with a touchscreen would come out eventually, an iPhone with a keyboard just makes sense if Apple is ever to gain ground on RIM in the corporate world. If I were RIM, however, I would come out with a BlackBerry slider before Apple comes out with an iPhone with a slide-out keyboard. RIM should have all the advantages of creating a good slide-out keyboard that Apple had with creating a good touchscreen interface.
A BlackBerry with a slide-out keyboard is an area where RIM should lead the market as compared to reacting to it. That’s my opinion. What do you think?
While I’m not a fan of slider phones, I say different strokes for different folks…whatever the market wants.
Whatever it takes for RIM to kick Crapples A** I am all for it!!! RIM FOREVER!!!!
So this is an acknowledgement by Jobs that touch screen typing is not all its cracked up to be? Remember when the Palm was popular and people tried to convince you that the Palm Graffiti was an efficient entry mode?
The BlackBerry Thunder is not exactly a lifetime exclusive. It was reported before that there was a stipulation to the exclusivity of the device to Verizon being able to generate a certain amount of units sold and revenue brought into BlackBerry. So, there is a chance that it won’t sell well with Verizon and RIM will look elsewhere like AT&T.
I honestly think that a touch screen slider is a must and will be more popular than most may think. I love by 8330 Curve and have been really impressed with this phone. I went through 3 of the Treo series before I jumped ship. I have friends that are Iphone fanatics and swear by them. I do own an Ipod Touch and the interface is awesome. I think an Iphone slider would attract so many customers. RIM should take heed and get to developing a touch slider.
I think Jobs still probably believes that a touchscreen is better than than a physical keyboard, however, I also believe the he understands that there are 16 million or so BlackBerry users that will never even try an iPhone because they don’t believe that it is.
I do not care about a slide out keyboard from apple or any other iphone new release. There are others who absolutely love them and thats great as I will not bash the iphone user or any other user, (not that that is done here). We are in a society that thrives on choice; if we didn’t we would all drive Lada’s. I currently enjoy using my macbook pro and other apple products but not the iphone. It was hard letting go of my tank 7290, but the new 8130 that I have is huge improvement and wonder why I hesitated for so long. 🙂 All that I am saying is while the blackberry may be the tool of choice for me it may not be for you. Your choice.
I used to think that I would absolutely hate a slide-out keyboard until my girlfriend got a Samsung Slide. I have to admit that it is a pretty sleek design and a lot thinner than you might think. Maybe half an inch or so thick.
If a BlackBerry comes out in this configuration, I will give it a serious look.
the slider iphone would be an awesome addition to the current iphone. they need to make this addition immediately.
well i think its clever and stupid at the same time …well first i dont no if the iphone for verizon is real and so i think the key boards good for when u get tired of the touch screen and if u just want to for fun and the touch parts good but the key boards just rediculous…seriously some one tell me if all of this is true ..please im begging u
Yea i would really reccoend the iphone slide it looks cool and lots more kids would want to buy it
iphone should have a slide out keyboard i know of many people who hate touch screen phones when they need/want to do a lot of typing therefore a full slide out keyboard would make apple a lot of money. Many people like the iphone because they only have to carry one devices for their music and their phone to add the option of a keyboard would perfect the product
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE put a keyboeard o the iphone!!!!
i whant that phone