Episode #35 of the SMRpodcast, 160 Million Fish in a Barrel, is up and ready for download.
Hosts: Rod Simmons, Chris Ashley, Brent Harman
Recorded: September 5th, 2010
Published: September 6th, 2010
Duration: 1hr 26Min 49Sec
Instructions to subscribing to podcasts
BlackBerry Ironically names their clamshell phone the “Style”
- Rod Chris and Brent just Rail the U_G_L_Y phone
Apple press event last week
- Rod can’t believe the Netflix Integration is not backwards compatible with older Apple TV
- Brent is disappointed that they did not go with the iPhone 4 Body style for a bigger battery
- Chris actually likes the new iPod Touch
There were a ton of new Android Tablets announced
- Brent goes over all the new tablets and some of the pros and cons
- Chris says that if they are more expensive than the iPads they missed the mark
Microsoft had a few announcements this week
- Chris was excited that Windows Phone 7 went Code Complete last week
- Brent mentions that Bing an Android is actually pretty good
- Rod agrees that battery life on a smartphone just should not be expected
Craigslist pulls adult ads replaces it with “Censored”
- Brent is not sure that they are going to be able to make the censorship argument
- Chris is worried about Senators going after websites
NASA HD for iPad / Amazon TV shows for .99 cents (iPad App / Cheap Videos ) Rod Simmons (SimpleMobileReview)
Horns by Joe Hill / Heart Shaped Box by Joe Hill
Awesome Drop for Android / Flipboard for iPad (Online File sharing / Social Website Aggregator ) Brent Harman (SimpleMobileReview)
Logitech Z313 Speaker System ( Desktop Speaker System ) Chris Ashley (SimpleMobileReview)