Episode #92 of the SMRpodcast, A Rick Perry Moment, is online and ready for download. This week, after a brief hiatus, Brent Harmon returns to the show with, not one, but, two new Android devices, the Droid RAZR and the Droid Rezound.
We also talk a lot about the Kindle Fire, the BlackBerry London, and ponder if RIM should drop the price of the BlackBerry PlayBook to $99.
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- Rod Simmons @RodSimmons
- Chris Ashley @bigcashley
- Brent Harman @jbharman
- Robb Dunewood @RobbDunewood
Opening Thoughts
- Brent is back and is in studio with the HTC Rezound and DROID RAZR
- We all received the Kindle Fire today
- Robb is asking for our early thoughts
- Rod said he agrees with Chris that it is heavy
- Brent really like the feel of the device
Allison Sheridan Left us a message about Netflix
- Rod says that he forgot to play it last week
- Robb says that she was dead on with her comments
- Chris and Brent agree with Allison
We talk about the BlackBerry London and QNX
- Robb says he likes the look but they have to come with services
- Chris says that it is ugly
- Rod says that so far people will decide to go either way
Robb wants to know when are the Verizon Windows Phones coming
- Chris says the rumor is Q1 of next year Nokia is releasing Lte devices
- Chris also mentions that
We all weigh in on the Barnes and Noble patent dispute with Microsoft
- Chris says he wants to see them go under
- Brent says that he thinks B&N has a chance against Microsoft
- Robb is wondering about the anti trust aspect
- Rod believes that the patents being used are only a pre-cursor to a bigger lawsuit
- Flipit USB Charger (Plugless USB Charger )Brent Harman (SimpleMobileReview)
- Fanhattan (Cross Service Media locator ) Robb Dunewood (RIMarkable)
- olloclip (Smartphone camera lens ) Rod Simmons (SimpleMobileReview)
- XBOX 360 (Game Console ) Chris Ashley (SimpleMobileReview)
Special thanks to Chris Dutra for the opening mix and Laura Tsaggris for the music…