Shape Services, makers of IM+, yesterday announced a new version of IM+ for Skype software for the BlackBerry that is fully desktop independent. You will now be able to use voice to talk to other Skype users or make calls to telephones directly from your BlackBerry without having to run a desktop proxy client.
Finally, a BlackBerry Skype Client that I’d be willing to buy…
Problem is, it doesn’t go out over voip…. It makes calls to your phone via regular PSTN just with no PC client anymore….So it does a conference on a server somewhere and makes a call to your cellphone. Therefore you still get cell phone charges, and you use skypeout credit EVEN if you have unlimited Skype out…. So basically you get charged skype out credit, and on top of that MINUTES on your cellphone
Kinda a rip off….
Chris- It charges Skype Out credit EVEN if one uses the unlimited plan? That’s horrible, I don’t think I will be using it…
Cell phone minutes are charged only on incoming I guess, right? So if you have an unlimited incoming plan then it might be ok?