Orbitcast.com commentator Sirius Tech posted a comment stating that the Sirius XM Radio is coming to the BlackBerry in January. We don’t have any confirmation of this tip, but Sirius Tech does provide a fair bit of detail…
During the month of January, SIRIUS XM will begin offering our online listening service as an application on the BlackBerry. This application is very similar to the application we launched for the iPhone. For the initial launch, this application will be available with the following BlackBerry types:
- Storm 1—Series 9530
- Storm 2—Series 9550
- Bold—Series 9000, 9700
- Tour—Series 9630
- Curve—Series 8900, 8520, 8530
SIRIUS XM on BlackBerry is a mobile extension of the Subscriber’s paid Premium Online Service. With this service, Subscribers can enjoy over 120 of their favorite SIRIUS & XM internet radio channels.
Although that image looks pretty good, it is just screen grab of the iPhone version of the Sirius XM Radio app layed on top of a BlackBerry Storm2.
You guys are behind. This has been confirmed inside of the Sirius XM iPhone application Q&A section.