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Hosts: Rod Simmons, Chris Ashley, Robb Dunewood
Recorded: October 19th, 2010
Published: October 20th, 2010
Duration: 1hr 6min 4sec
Apple and Google are at it again
- Rod says he wants a phone that has no carrier customizations
- Chris says that Android is not open if they are holding carriers to standards
- Robb says that Android is open
- The argument begins
Blackberry Style 9670 Officially Announced
- Robb says that 6 out of ten people on his site don’t mind the phone
- Rod is really surprised with those results
- Chris plans on talkng smack to anyone he sees with the phone
Chris ordered his Phone 7 device
- Chris ordered the HTC Surround
- Rod says he likes the Samsung Focus
- Robb says that he won’t start another contract with AT&T
Some Carrier News
- Rod mentions that WiMAX is gong to NYC
- Robb Says the Verizon Tiered Data plans are no big deal
- Amazon Prime / Motorola Oasis / The Rule of Four (Amazon Account Upgrade / Bluetooth Headset / Book ) Rod Simmons (SimpleMobileReview)
- HootSuite ( Twitter Facebook App) Robb Dunewood (RIMarkable)
- Fan Vision ( Streaming Video at Football Stadiums ) Chris Ashley (SimpleMobileReview)
Hello, Robb. My name is Galina Zueva, Business and Marketing Developer from XIMAD, App Developer company from San Francicsco. Love your review. Please, contact me at Hope, we can discuss everything in the follow-up letters.