If this story turns out to be true we will casually refer to Sprint as “Can’t Get Right”, because, well, they really don’t seem to be able to get it right.
How in the world did Sprint accidentally ship out a Verizon branded BlackBerry Tour in a Sprint box to a Sprint customer. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. This could have happened at RIMs’ warehouse. Could it really have though? This just seems like the kind of thing that could only happen to Sprint Can’t Get Right.
I don’t get it. Why would you assume that this mishap is Sprint’s fault? It looks to me like RIMM can’t get it right. I don’t think Sprint ever looked inside those boxes.
Pretty funny and lame thing to happen to Sprint, though.
If this is not a hoax, I’d be willing to bet that it actually did happen at RIM’s warehouse, not Sprints, like, said in the post, but, it always seems like this kind of stuff is happening to Sprint.
imagine the shock, the disappointment of thinking your the new owner of a state of the art BB Tour from Sprint only to find what’s in the box is a state of the art yet crippled BB Tour with functions removed to keep it behind verizon’s walled garden.
Have fun setting up tethering with your Sprint Tour. Our Sprint contact told us (enterprise customer) today they are no going to support the Tour in their SprintView software (http://www.sprint.com/downloads). They told us to manually create a dialup connection. Not that this is a hard thing to do, but not enterprise friendly. Might just tell any of our Sprint users to switch to Verizon if they want to tether.