I take every negative thing that I have ever said about Verizon’s BlackBerry release schedule back. As a matter of fact, I feel kind of foolish for being so negative seeing how the nations second largest carrier has just announced 3 new BlackBerry devices coming out over the next few weeks.
Two of the devices, the BlackBerry Pearl, and the BlackBerry 8830e, our already out on the GSM carriers, however, Verizon will be the first carrier to offer a BlackBerry 8300 device. The 8330e will have a digital camera and GPS, however, will not have Wi-Fi. It will also be the first BlackBerry able to record video.
Thanks to RIMarkable reader Sidd Finch for leaking us this information…
Is this an April Fools?
Any actual release dates available????for the 8300 especially.
ah didn’t even realize it’s april fools day. this would be very very cruel ='(
I smell a rat….
April fools! Sidd Finch is a hoax!
Dead giveaways…
*Thanks to RIMarkable reader Sidd Finch for leaking us this information
-ho would ever name their source like that?
*links anyone?
-nowhere to be found or mentioned where the source is!
LOL! Poor CDMA users…..
You totally beat me on this one! I’m heading over to VZW to pick up a new 8300 right now! Thanks Robb.
It’s so funny that BG claims to be on his way to pick up a device…..which was all due to an April Fooler!!!!! Got the scoop there don’t you BG!!!
It’s called sarcasm, Si.
This is an April Fool’s gag. Sidd Finch was a fictional character created by George Plimpton for a Sport Illustrated article many years ago. I recall, that according to Plimpton, Finch could hurl a fastball 130mph..
my heart hurts.
Very cruel. Even though I know it is fake, part of me still wants to believe. I am really starting to hate VZW.
That sucks. Dunewood Please get a life! There is enough untrue crap on the web. We need TRUE information. If we wanted jokes we can go to other web sites. Thanks for nothing.
Look at the reaction that this posting gets…even though it’s an April Fool’s joke.
The sad thing is that this just shows the kind of positive response VZW would get if they would get their act together with regards to BB’s.
VZW is missing out on so many sales…
haha. i read the headline and little paragraph and yelled out loud!
but was crushed when i say the comments.
Do we know this is a hoax?
Regardless, if Verizon does not come with anything new by the summer, I am off to another carrier.
Here’s something else that VZW needs to realize: not only are they losing customers, but they are losing high value customers. The type of customers who will pay for a BB and a data plan represent high margin profits to any cell phone company. They may be a small slice of the overall pie, but they are a lucrative slice.
I was fooled. I blame Monday morning.
I confess. This was an April Fools Joke. 🙂 I hope those that got got don’t take it personally. I tried to make the story plausible, but, made sure that I put some clues in there that made it clear that this was a gag.
By the way, the Sidd Finch story in the April, 1985 Sports Illustrated has got to be one of the best April Fools Hoaxes of all time.
I am only 22 so the 1985 reference went completely over my head. The fact that you used the word foolish in your post made me wonder if this was true or not.
All I can say is, “Good One”. You really had me going until the comments started coming in.
By the way, you should let your readers subscribe to your comments even if they don’t leave one.
Mr. Dunewood,
Please keep us posted on Verizon info, especially when its legitimate.
Stopped into a Verizon dealer yesterday…they have no clue about any new devices coming this year at all. They indicated the 8703 was still very new to them so they saw no need for MP3 or camera capability. They view their network as significantly superior to Cings, and that is what they focus on.
I have had Cing network since 97, and have held out to get VZV network w/a move to a BB since my Cing contract expired 5 mos ago….unfortunately on am going to take the Amazon deal for the 8800 and reup w/the crappy Cing network because I just can’t wait any longer. So VZV, if you finally get some new BB’s maybe I’ll see you in 04/09, unless Cing can get their network together.
Good joke….I thought it was real for a while there…although every story I read on April first I take with a grain of salt. Either way, I’m a GSM guy so T-Mob and SINgular are the only companies I plan on getting my BB fix from. If ony T-Mob would release the 8800, I would be able to get rid of this Pearl POS.
WEll, as a matter of fact…….I do alot of dealings with VZW for our company,here in VA. I hate to tell you this, but …the 8300 series IS true!! and VZW will be gettign them in MAY!! They jsut released the 8800 series and are expected to release the 8300 next month. So…keep your eyes and ears open. Most retail stores know nothing abut it…i deal with the federal side of things. Trust me..its coming!!