I know that there are a lot of BlackBerry users that are huge Apple fans. The iPad is now available for pre-order… Will you get one?
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I know that there are a lot of BlackBerry users that are huge Apple fans. The iPad is now available for pre-order… Will you get one?
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I’m probably going to go out and get an iPad once they are in the store, but, I’m a gadget junkie and usually get everthing new when it comes out. I don’t think that the iPad is going to do as well as a lot of people think simply because the device is not a necessity like a cell phone is.
Norman, not only isn’t the iPad a necessity, it doesn’t replace functionality in other devices, less maybe the Kindle and e-readers in general, either. People with laptops aren’t replacing their laptops with iPads. The iPad would just be another device to carry along with your laptop.
I do think that the iPad will do very, very well, but those that think that it is going to have iPhone-like appeal are dreaming.
Why are you such an Apple hater? I can understand why you hate the iPhone because once it is released on more networks, you won’t have much more to talk about, but, you are hating on the iPad before it even comes out.
Why must you teabag Apple’s nuts?
I am probably as big an Apple fan as they come. I currently have a 21″ iMac, a 17″ MacBook Pro, am on my 2nd iPhone and will be in line when Apple releases the iPhone 4, and have at least 4 or 5 iPods. I am pretty sure that I am going to get an iPad, but, I haven’t ordered it yet because I first need to see if I would be able to not have to carry my MacBook Pro.
I can understand why the author dude would say it doesn’t replace other stuff, but, I would probably wait to see first hand before blast it.
Wash your mouth with soap and water. The iPad is NO Kindle replacement. Maybe a Magazine or newspaper reader but not a book reader.
I already ordered my iPad. Like Norman I am a tech junkie and need to play. I do agree it replaces nothing and is not a sticky as the iPhone. This comes from a person that has owned every iPhone released
I don’t know if the iPad will convince people to think different about what a computer is to them.
“The iPad is NO Kindle replacement.”
Well, maybe if you already own one, but, I can’t see too many people that buy an iPad thinking that they need to get a Kindle as well.
I agree it is an alternative but not replacement.
Couldn’t disagree with you more. Even Amazon realizes that it’s a Kindle replacement, hence running out to their vendors and renegotiating and taking the hit on margins with the idea of possibly losing market share to Apple. The decline in Kindle sales since the announcement have already shown the effect the iPad has caused.
Many folks (myself included) were anticipating the iPad to be a tablet of sorts, an alternative to a laptop. The iPad, in my view, is a book reader, magazine reader, web browser…home (and away) device that can replace the newspaper/magazine subscription and get books at a cheaper price. I see myself getting up in the AM and reading the iPad as opposed to my hard copy NY Times and Wall Street Journal while I eat breakfast. If I go on a trip, I can read a book on the device, watch a movie, or listen to music…all without having to open up a laptop, boot up, etc. Sure, I could do many of these functions on an iTouch or iPhone (or other mobile devices), but the size of the device makes reading a more pleasant experience without having to pop open a laptop.
So, if I had to select between the Kindle and the iPad, why not pay the extra $$$ for more ability, color, applications, and a better experience. IMO, the iPad has filled a sector not only in technology, but how people may decide to view content (copy more so than video) going forward in the future.
I think we agree but are just using different words. Did you order? WIll you order?
I will make my final call on the reading experience compared to my Kindle when it arrives. I have read my Kindle on a 7hr flight with no eye fatigue. Or should I say similar eye fatigue to a book. I doubt but hope the iPad will provide that same experience. I just find it hard to believe due the the back light.
Either way I am already in. If Amazon is smart and that they are they will increase the Kindle App experience on the iPad. Assuming Apple does not remove the kindle app because it duplicates functionality already on the device.
I DID sell my laptop because I already know the iPad will replace it easily. I use my iPhone for almost everything. Logging into the servers at work, editing documents, editing photos is way easier on the iPhone, so I can only imagine how good it will be on the iPad. It’s now past the pre-order time and 50,000 iPads were sold in 2 hours. I thinks that’s pretty good. 🙂
I absolutely love my Kindle as it has been one of the best tech purchases I’ve made since I got an iPod Touch. That being said, if reading on the iPad doesn’t cause eyestrain, a lot of trouble is headed the Kindle’s way.
@ Rod,
I’ll be purchasing mine at the store. With regard to eyestrain, I can’t vision it being too much of an issue for me personally since I’m on my laptop all day long. I just drop the brightness when and if it becomes an issue.
As for the Kindle, I’m not saying it’s not a good device, I just believe the iPad has thrown a serious speed bump in the way of sales.
No doubt. You do know you can pre order the iPad for in store pickup. I don’t want you to be empty handed on day one. Plus we need more votes on the Already purchased side 🙂
Plus would like to hear your review.
LOL. I voted “Yes.” Being the geek that I am, I’d be out of touch if I didn’t know that the pre-order was available today. I’ve been trying to apply self restraint and patience into my purchasing habits. I have always been the “first one on the block” to own whatever it is that comes out, but my insanity needs to be tempered. I’ve promised myself to go in on the day it comes out and purchase one. If it’s there, then I come away with one. If it’s not, then I order one that day, but at least I’ve proven to myself that I did not cave into the hysteria of having to have it day one. However, I will admit that the day the N1 is for sale on VZW, I will be making that purchase.
Got my iPad ordered for delivery, and registered for store pickup as well just in case a friend needs one last minute. Us techies will order it because we just do that kind of thing. I want the book reader, be able to watch movies/recorded shows on a bigger screen than an iPhone. But as the price drops down, I will probably end up giving it as gifts to parents, etc since it will be much simpler to manage then a computer/laptop and allow them more access to technology. I’m curious after 6 months to a year how the buying demographics of users turns out to be.
def. NO!
Absolutely no. I don’t need an (almost) 10″ iPod Touch. My current iPod Touch is fine, thank you.
Now, if it would of had a camera, multitasking, and a data option other than AT&T (Sprint, TMO, or VZW) then my answer would have been: I pre-ordered the moment the “lines” opened! 🙂
No offense, but I think apple products are highly overrated. I agree that it was evolutionary with the iphone and the whole app system…but don’t really see a point of getting this thing, other than showing off that I own one.