Usually when we talk about the the Palm devices and their buggy nature, we generally are talking about software glitches or hardware glitches. Today, however, we have learned that Palm and Verizon have pulled ROM updates for the Treo 700p and 700w/wx devices.
That’s right, the ROM update intended to fix hardware and software bugs itself has bugs. Classic…
Gee those verizon plam’s would be more unstable because verizon has been crippling and playing with the Palm’s firmware?
Not that palm users get much respect around here BUT smart RIM Blackberry fans only needs to look at our Palm brothers to see what happens when verizon starts crippling and when caught start FUD’ing and Lying, blaming the manufacture. verizon’s actions are not only against the consumer, but also are a lasting thorn in the side of the manufacture.
Funny that the same Palm’s with no branding and branding for other service providers are not having similar problems.
Verizon and Palm have some significant issues.
Verizon Treo EVDO Crippled
It should come as little surprise to learn that Verizon Wireless has crippled Bluetooth on the Treo 700W
Bluetooth DUN is crippled on the Treo 700w
More proof you have not a clue about what you are talking about. I guess you didn’t know Palm had problems with their 700p update for Sprint as well. The problem is Palm, a company that has lost its way and will soon sail into the sunset for the last time. Sure Verizon cripple’s phone, but in this case it has nothing to do with it. Get your facts right windbag before spouting off your moronic mouth.
Really gquaglia? Where is your proof that verizon’s firmware games are not the cause? The verizon firmware games were big problems for the MotoT720 and the Moto 710. Read Robb’s post and not once was Sprint, nor any other service provider mentioned.
“Error 3000 – Data network is not available”
How sad it must be to have the need to defend a service provider which is working against the customer and against the device manufacture.
“Get your facts right windbag before spouting off your moronic mouth.”
“More proof you have not a clue about what you are talking about.”
Please try to grow up, keep personal insults to yourself, stay ON the topic.
hellno, who do you work for?
The Palm email standard versamail is just another thing verizon likes to remove for it’s own proprietary, nickel and diming apps which ruin consumer experience of the device. verizon is doing the same to RIM Blackberry’s by removing app’s and crippling others. verizon’s games screw up the phone, changing firmware, is probably why Palm had to pull back this firmware upgrade which is glitching. Closed, proprietary, crippled, have no place in consumer wireless communications. All device manufactures are going to need to follow Apple’s lead and demand the manufacture control the device and the service provider handle the network.
“Wireless Sync is a product offered by Verizon Wireless. Palm does not provide technical support for this software.”
“What happened to VersaMail?
VersaMail is an email application Palm. Because Verizon’s Wireless Sync email application was built into the Verizon Treo 650, we didn’t include VersaMail on the device.”
“Help! I can’t perform HotSync operations after using Wireless Sync
On occasion, Wireless Sync disables HotSync without your knowledge, most notably in some upgrade scenarios. An OLERR message to appear in the HotSync Log, and Outlook information will not be transferred between your PC and your smartphone.”,Kb=PalmSupportKB,ts=Palm_External2001,case=obj(24907)
Learn a new trick hellno. We all know you hate CDMA and Verizon doubly so, but, can’t you ever talk about anything else?
let it go, this is a CDMA site, you are wasting time and energy here…
“RIMarkable” is a RIM Blackberry site. RIM makes 4 or more Blackberry’s for the Global Standard GSM to the 1 Blackberry they make for cdma. There are many many good and valid reasons for that.
Guess the truth about cdma and verizon is both difficult and and upsetting to some.
I didn’t take my medication this morning.
it may be a RIM Blackberry site, but notice the comments and praise are tilted towards CDMA, theredfore the observation shared by many of it being a CDMA site.
The site owner has made it very clear that his preference is such and many of the supporters have said same also.
At the end of the day…it move the bar neither way as those who use CDMA will not look at GSM and vice versa.
Let it go as very few of us have financial gain out of it…
I think that most BlackBerry users could really care less if they are GSM or CDMA. They care more about getting good service and the the devices they want. Many will go with AT&T to get the Pearl and the Curve. Many will with go with Verizon to get the coverage.
The key is that both camps are using BlackBerry devices which has RIM smiling all the way to the bank.
Funny how hellno took a Palm article and transformed it into his standard CDMA sucks, GSM rules post. He has serious issues, or at the very least is on someones payroll.
Cute someone else is playing verizon like games using anothers name to take a shot at someone. Oh it must be so sad to be a verizon customer and be reading the truth, that the sad response is to play games and take shots at others here that post real information.
gquaglia, nope wrong again. Ask WHY the verizon, palm firmware is having problems, there are reasons some of which I posted. Not once did I say “cdma sucks and GSM rules” but thanks for breaking it down for everyone, and putting it into your own words. Gosh don’t know what we’ll do when your back at school full time.
Guess such a scholar like yourself has no problems when service providers alters, cripples, changes, remove functions, applications, and ability’s from our devices? Did you ever take it one step further to think, understand, and learn that when the provider makes changes to the manufactures tested firmware problems and errors have a very good chance to become reality. Facts show it has happened before with verizon’s firmware games, and it’s happening yet again. If unknowing verzion RIM Blackberry fans are fine with verizon crippling functions like autonomous GPS, thats all fine and good, but when the problems start with the 8830 and the fingers start pointing (just like between verizon and Moto, and verizon and Palm) there is no easy fix and the consumer gets screwed. The consumer also gets screwed when manufactures like RIM design functions like autonomous GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc, etc and the service provider cripples and removes them. It’s bad for the consumer and it’s bad for the manufacture. These verizon crippling actions make devices less than designed by RIM (Palm in this case) and these verizon crippling actions make devices less reliable. Manufactures design and make the devices, the service provider should provide the service and nothing else.
gquaglia again do yourself a favor, try to post on topic, and not at others posts which are troubling to you since they point out the truth. Read, Understand, Learn.
hellno, Read and Understand that most of us don’t care for your GSM propoganda especifically your Anti-Verizon propoganda. We understand that you are happy with GSM, and feel that everybody should be on GSM.
Why post “most of us”? I post for myself, you post for no one but yourself. Call it what ever you feel makes the truth less hurtful to yourself, but it doesn’t make the truth go away. As a consumer the truth should matter more than the desperate attempts to defend a service provider which is doing the wrongs. Your right I do like GSM. (so does RIM) cdma and verizon had my support at one time but lost it. However everybody is free to chose which technology to support, that doesn’t then mean it’s OK to pine away desperate for RIM to provide cdma devices or bitch and moan when verizon’s firmware games screw up your user experience with your cdma blackberry (or Palm)
You’d also do yourself a favor to try to post on topic, and not at others posts which are troubling to you since they point out the truth.
hellno, you seem to be preaching one thing and doing another. you say
“You’d also do yourself a favor to try to post on topic, and not at others posts which are troubling to you since they point out the truth.”
yet you keep trying to ‘educate’ others on how they should post, a la:
to heckyes: “Why post “most of usâ€? I post for myself, you post for no one but yourself.”
did you think that maybe heckyes has talked to other people who post here? I doubt it. I’m glad you have your own opionion, but belittling others just to further emphasize your point makes you seem less credible each time you do it.