So, word on the street is that the latest OS leak for the BlackBerry Storm 9530,,  didn’t pass Verizon’s testing and won’t become the the second official Verizon BlackBerry Storm OS update.  There have been well over a dozen leaked OS updates that have come out since was made official, but none of them, including have made the grade.  Some are saying that their won’t be an official update until version 5 for the Storm comes out.

I know that I’ve been outspoken about Verizon dragging their feet on making any of the leaked updates available officially, however, if I am honest, I can understand why they haven’t.

To make a long story short, when something sucks and you make it marginally better, it pretty much still sucks, and, in the same light, when something is OK and you make it marginally better, it is still just OK.  This latter is the case with just about every BlackBerry Storm update since

Not many would argue that the original OS that shipped on the BlackBerry Storm when it launched was a nightmare.  It was riddle with so many bugs that the Storm was practically unusable.  The first update,, actually gave the Storm an OS that was OK.  When you move from an OS that sucks,, to an OS that is OK,, your end users will perceive a benefit and think that 100 meg download was worth it.

When, however, you supply your end users that have an OK operating system with a 100 meg update that is OK plus 1 minus a fair amount of battery life, you may actually do more harm than good.