According to the results from a recent ChangeWave survey on Mobile Operating System Preferences of mostly North American respondents, the BlackBerry has hit its lowest level ever with just 4%of consumers planing to get a new smartphone within the next 90 days preferring to get a BlackBerry. Comparatively speaking, 48% of respondents planning to get a new smartphone in the next 90 days said they prefer to get an iPhone.
It seems like when it rains on Research in Motion, it pours… Not only do consumers in the market for a new smartphone prefer not to get a BlackBerry, the ones that have one aren’t terribly satisfied. Only 26% of current BlackBerry users are Very Satisfied with their device compared to 70% of iPhone users, 57% of Windows Phone 7 users, and 50% of Android users.
[Via BGR]
It’s clear that the co-CEOs at RIM don’t know what they’re doing in today’s market and have run a brilliant company into the ground because their combined lack of vision. What is amazing is that RIM’s share holders continue to allow them navigate the ship directly towards the iceberg. Why do they get an additional 6 months to prove that they have no vision for the future. I honestly believe that the only way for RIM to rebound is for the company to completely reinvent itself starting with new leadership.
I actually kind of like my BlackBerry but, I just want a new one. I got a Bold on Sprint last year and they don’t even have any new phones out nicer than the bold. I was thinking about the Curve but it doesn’t have a flash and doesn’t really do much more than my Bold.
I can see why so few people plan to get a new BlackBerry because they don’t even have any new phones out in over a year.