Looks like Russell Shaw over on BBHub has another exclusive on a new BlackBerry patent application, this time for technology that magnifies the height of selected text highlighted in the scroll window.
To make a long story short, the BlackBerry is getting a magnifying glass kind of like what you see in the menu bars on the Mac.
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I wonder if the new BlackBerry Magnifying Glass patent will prevent BlackBerry Squint. Talk about good timing… The day that a Washington Post article about a blurred vision affliction that you get from looking at small screens on BlackBerrys all day comes out, RIM applies for a patent that makes veiwing things on the BlackBerry easier.
This is a good idea…nothing revolutionary, and not the first to market this, but nevertheless a good idea.
It’s one of those ideas that is so practical and easy to accomplish that one wonders why it wasn’t implemented earlier.