BankServ announced yesterday that their Mobile Check Capture application, maid popular on the iPhone and by PayPal, is now available on the BlackBerry.
After the iPhone version of Mobile Check Capture got such a warm reception, expanding to other mobile OS platforms was a natural next step. There are several other mobile operating systems with established user bases in the millions,” said BankServ vice president Danne Buchanan, who heads the company’s Payment Solutions division. “BlackBerry’s focus on the business client base makes it a particularly attractive fit for our check capture app — and we anticipate that the demand for mobile banking technology is something that is going to exist across all mobile operating systems.
Although Mobile Check Capture is available on the BlackBerry your financial institution must implement the technology. A lot of banks have implemented Mobile Check Capture for the iPhone, so, hopefully it won’t be long before Black users are added into the fold…
[Via CrackBerry]