Let me start off buy saying that RIMarkable isn’t a financial blog and we don’t offer financial advice. That being said, however, I couldn’t agree more with Mad Money’s Jim Cramer when he says now is the time to buy stock in Research in Motion (RIMM).
This biggest thing to happen to RIM over the last year has been the release of the iPhone and I believe that the iPhone 3G will do as much if not more for BlackBerry sales simply because RIM has several next-generation devices coming out starting with the BlackBerry Bold in the next month or so.
RIM’s stock (RIMM) has gone up every time a new BlackBerry has come out and all indicators point in the direction of that trend continuing once RIM’s second half line-up of new devices start hitting the street.
I’m just not a fan of Kramer. I’ve owned stock in RIM, but I’m not sure if I agree. I’d like to see the price points on the devices when they come out.
There’s a reason why his little company took a beating back in the day. And RIM hasn’t made much of a move the past few months despite growth in subscribers. I’d buy it if I’m in it for the long haul, but with the market the way it is currently, need to pick your spots if money is to be made.
BTW, made a mistake and it should be Cramer and not Kramer. I had my Seinfeld hat on I guess.
Like Jim Cramer or not he is dead on when it comes to RIM’s stock price when new BlackBerrys come out.
Anyone can predict a spike in price when a product is launched that has a history of success. The question is, will it maintain that price in this market today. The past several models have been released in a bull market…let’s see how it performs now. Even with all the hype that the iPhone has generated, it too has not been able to lift the Apple price to previous highs. I’m just being cautious in a cautious market. 🙂
With all due respect, I believe that the question that you pose is beside the point. I admit that I didn’t see the entire episode of Mad Money yesterday, however, I didn’t think that Cramer was talking about investing in RIM for the long term. I believe his take was quite the contrary actually… Invest in RIM now while it is low and capitalize on the gains that history tells us it will make once as we near release dates for upcoming devices.
I love my black berry! i keep it in my little purse. Visit my friend’s blog about Japanese culture here: http://www.thoughts.com/Pocki/blog
You guys completely missed his most important point – he also said carriers love selling the bbs because they carry a higher avg revenue per user (data upsell). this is what ultimately will drive the share price. so you’ll next see the javelin, kickstart, and pearl have really low prices to drive adoption. say $50-100 with a contract.
just think about it. what does the carrier get when they sell a LG, moto, samsung? nothing. a handset. what do they get when they sell bbs? a connected platform and a great email service. but really it’s really the data upsell that the carriers love. and the best part is that RIM can turn a phone with the same bill of materials (edge radio, gsm quadband, light processor, screen, etc) as the moto, lg, samsung into a smartphone. so they can sell handsets at the same prices AND offer a compelling service the carriers want to adopt? imagine if rim sold 400 mln phones like nokia. now that won’t obviously happen anytime soon, but the path towards it looks promising for the Blackberry.
So is RIMM going to be able to hold it’s own even though this riff with AT&T is coming to the forefront???