After all of the rumors, incorrect release dates, and the accidental putting up of the Pearl for sale on Cingular’s Premier business site, Cingular has announced that the BlackBerry Pearl will be available tomorrow, Dec. 1st.
After all the complaining that I and the rest of the blogosphere has done over Cingular’s release strategy, Cingular will undoubtedly sell a crapload of these things. I guess that now I have to move on from to “Cingular Sucks” to “Verizon Sucks” because it will probably still be 6 months or so before I am able to get one of these things.
If Verizon and RIM are smart, they will rush a CDMA version of this to market, and avoid such a time lag. Sure, worldwide GSM dwarfs CDMA, but the CDMA market is still large and lucrative enough to pursue with vigor.
I guess it all depends on how hard RIM’s CDMA dept has been working on developing the CDMA model.
Any guesses on how long it will take Amazon to offer Cingular’s Pearl? Seeing as mobiles are becoming little marketing/ad gadgets $200 in a 2 year contract lockdown seems steep.
your right verizon does suck, but not having the pearl hass nothing to do with it