Have you ever noticed that right before a new BlackBerry comes out third party resellers like Amazon, 1ShopWireless, Buy.com, etc. seem to discount there stock of older BlackBerry models? It happens so often that we’ve created a category here on RIMarkable called Free BlackBerry just to list all the deals that we come across.
Well, it appears that the ante has been upped. Not only are there a bunch of free BlackBerry offers going on right now, several resellers are actually paying you to take their excess inventory out of their warehouses.
So far, we have come across a couple of these deals, both from Amazon.com. If you are interested in the BlackBerry 7105t running on T-Mobile, you can get one for free, and, after instant and mail-in rebates, make $74.99 on the Deal.
If you like Cingular better than T-Mobile, you can get a BlackBerry 7130c for free and $24.99 back after rebates.
Both deals require long term service agreements so free is relative. The cancellation fees are generally more expensive than buying the phones outright so make sure that you really want to be committed for 2 years before you buy.
Great observation…nothing signals the impending release of new models like the economics of trying to get rid of the old models…
Follow the money and you will find the reality…