Over the passed day or so, I’ve been taking a look at various smartphones that target individual consumers across various networks and one thing that I noticed was that T-Mobile’s original BlackBerry Pearl 8100 is much less expensive than everything else out there.
The device itself, with a two year service plan, costs under a $150 bucks after a mail-in rebate which is on par with the lowest of the low on devices that can be considered smart phones. Then there is the $9.99 unlimited data plan. Well, that is just unheard of.
T-Mobile’s BlackBerry Pearl is not only a very inexpensive option for a smartphone, but, is an attractive option as a feature phone as well.
I think that the the “Old School BlackBerry Pearl” will do very well this holiday season.
Thats a great price for the 8100! and for the BB data plan! Bravo T-MO! Sure looks to me the comment T-Mo (aka Deutsche Telekom) “can’t compete” was both incorrect and naive.
Note that the $9.99/mo is only for email (no browsing), so it’s unlimited email, but not “data”
While I know how much you despise at&t, the price of their Pearl is $149.99 as well, so T-Mobile isn’t the only option out there
I don’t despise AT&T. They just don’t get good reception at my house. I despised Cingular’s support. Honestly I haven’t used technical support since AT&T took over.
I knew that AT&T had $149 BlackBerry Pearls. I didn’t know they had $9.99 email plans.
It’s $19.99 for the unlimited plan ($9.99 for just email). Only $10 less than VZW, but VZW is running 3G on the data compared to EDGE, and the calling is more reliable. Not to mention the VZW Pearl is an updated version with video, etc.
Loved ya TMO, but it’s time to move on to better things.
I have to agree with bluehorseshoe on this one: for only $10 more, Verizon is well worth it compared to T-Mo.
I agree as well. I am constantly reminded, however, that Verizon isn’t the only wireless provider worth talking about so gosh darnit, if they offer the BlackBerry Pearl $10 cheaper than everyone one else RIMarkable will tell the world.
🙂 🙂 🙂
“the calling is more reliable.” hmm where is reliable proof of that statement? Slogans based on FUD don’t count.
t-mo – $9.99 Unlimited BB email,
$149.99 Blackberry 8100, requires Blackberry enabled device and qualifying voice rate plan. A non-crippled BB8100, running on standard, open, global GSM technology.
verizon – $29.99 for Email and Web for BlackBerry, or $44.99 for Blackberry Solution™ Unlimited Data Usage, $149.99 blackberry w/2yr activation on voice and data (email) plan $79.99 or higher less $100 advanced device credit and $50 mail-in rebate. A crippled BB8130, running on closed, proprietary, cdma technology, which is in decline.
“Only $10 less than VZW,”? again hmm must be using the vealot math and vealot language uses confusing realty with FUD.
T-Mo (aka Deutsche Telekom) is showing leadership, and again is showing it can compete with any provider out there.
I’m not even going to address the numbers you put up in your post because you failed to bring up other numbers like the 19.99 for the same plan on TMO, just 10 less tha VZW, but a slower network, etc.
But the part that really made me laugh was that DT was taking a leadership role. That’s classic! If so, then why are they 4th in the US? Right…
Like Rick James said, “cocaine is one crazy drug.”
As always I’m just pointing out the TRUTH bluehorseshoe. No need for to make up and twist reality to feel better here. T-Mo is showing they indeed CAN compete.
@ hellno
If the are showing it, then I’m not seeing it. I use them, have a Pearl, and use the BB service. I don’t care about who the provider is, I just care about the service.
You mention union workers, etc. Did you get fired by VZW? Thus the obliterated comments?
I think the point is that the valid comparison is between the $19.99 TMo unlimited email/web BB plan vs the $29.99 Verizon unlimited email/web BB plan. The 9.99 plan is only good for email, not web browsing. Most people I think would prefer to have both email and web.
I have to give credit to T-Mo for competing with customer service and pricing, but they have to because they have such a small network compared to the other major players. TMO is good if you happen to live in an area with their coverage and don’t travel too much; otherwise you need another provider.
The company I work for uses Verizon for domestic BB service, and T-Mo for overseas service. There’s a reason why they don’t just make things easier and use only T-Mo; in the US VZW has considerably better coverage.
Nope never worked for the verizon fat cats, just enjoy posting the TRUTHS about them, especially when others are confused, or don’t know.
Just wanted to say that I just called T-Mobile and they hooked me up with an 8100 for just $89.99. And I got it without having to mail in a rebate 🙂 All I had to do was renew my contract, and agree to add $19.99 / month for the BB unlimited data plan. I’m impressed so far .. though I gotta say, I wish this thing had wifi built in 😐
I have to say that I have had both services and tmo has worked better than vrz and sprint I’m a truck driver and I’ve been all over the us and I have to admit that tmo has not let me down even when driving in very obscure areas with vrz and sprint I allways had droped calls or wouldn’t work at all the tmo data plan also works good in those areas in my book tmo is doing a dam good jod and its cheaper than both vrz and sprint.;)