Our friend BBAdmin from BlackBerry Forums just sent us a couple of pics of his BlackBerry Pearl that he had some personalization done to in the form of laser etching on the back cover.
This handy work was done by London based Razorlab that, until recently, made a name for themselves engraving iPods and MacBooks. It looks like they are expanding into mobile phones and I am sure that they won’t have any trouble find new clients.

Thanks for the review Robb!!
that’s a little pointless. what if your device is defective, and gets swapped out??
or, if only the battery door is engraved – what if you decide you want a bigger battery? if the phone is stolen, all a thief has to do is buy a different battery door for $5 …
Not really pointless – it’s a matter of style. Why paint a car; it could get wrecked? My laptop and cell are my most important tools, and it would be nice if each time I was in a meeting or at a conference table, I could tell the difference between mine and everyone else’s device.
I’m all for individuality, and yeah BBAdmin had a great idea – not sure if I’d go so far as to etch something into it. If I’ve learned anything, though, is that people that love their BlackBerry LOVE their BlackBerry. I’ve one pal who’s painted his pink and is putting swarovski crystals on it… I enjoy seeing things like this. Thanks, Robb.
Like David, I don’t think this is pointless either. The business of after market modding of electronics is huge. You cannot walk through a mall where I live without seeing at least a couple of kiosks selling all kind of crap to personalize your mobile device. Razorlab just took it to the next level.