Back during Research in Motion’s Second Quarter Fiscal 2012 earnings call Jim Balsillie said that we would see price cuts on the BlackBerry PlayBook.  Once those price cuts starting to happen RIM put out a press statement making it clear that the price of the BlackBerry PlayBook had not changed, and, the discounted pricing that you were seeing was part of a number promotional plans in place for the fall with our retail partners that are intended to drive sell-through and increased adoption of the BlackBerry PlayBook.

Well, it looks like that promotional pricing is coming to an end as pricing on the 16 model PlayBook has gone back up to $499.  I dare say that RIM has no chance of selling any meaningful number of devices at the regular price.  I’d be willing to bet that you will soon see another promotion bringing the price of the PlayBook back down to at least $299, possibly lower.  Something tells me that the price of the BlackBerry PlayBook is about to get very interesting…
