AmazonIf you are anything like me, then you love to have the most available apps you can at your disposal at any time. One of the biggest arguments about BlackBerry 10 is that a lot of consumers feel that there are not enough apps available to justify an investment into a BlackBerry 10 device.

With the current smart-phone market dominated by IOS and Android, BlackBerry 10 engineers have been working hard to bridge the app gap by allowing Android apps to run on all BlackBerry 10 devices.  BlackBerry is hoping that once this project is completed it will address this so called “Lack of Apps ” issue and drive more consumer sales for BB10.

I have loaded a leaked version of 10.2 on all of my devices running the BB10 Operation System and put together a video showing the Amazon App Store running on BlackBerry 10.  I hope you enjoy this video and please leave us some feedback in the comments section. Enjoy!