I was just listening to Squawk Box on CNBC and one of their analysts attributed RIM’s upward moving stock price to good feelings about the BlackBerry 9000. They mentioned BGR’s First Impressions of the BlackBerry 9000 then called the device an iPhone Killer.
I know that it is just about 8:00 in the morning, however, I think that this is probably the most ridiculous thing that I will here all day.
Calling the BlackBerry 9000 an iPhone killer is just as bad as calling the iPhone a BlackBerry killer.
Even though RIM decided to put the suckiest keyboard that they’ve ever come up with on the BlackBerry 9000, a faster processor, 3G, and a new OS sporting a web browser they actually put some thought into will probably make the BlackBerry 9000 a hit. An iPhone Killer though? I think not.
You talk out of both sides of your mouth but at least what you are saying this time is true. The game is over for the LackBerry.
No Touchscreen, No Full Browser, Nuff Said…
haha… the game is not over my friend. We know where your loyalties lye…
A touch screen isn’t always a good screen… just because something is popular doesn’t mean that it’s practical. Don’t get me wrong… I’m impressed by the iPhone… I just don’t think that BB is going to go down the tube because of it. When you say “no full browser” um… did you read the post? Robb said, and I quote “and a new OS sporting a web browser they actually put some thought into will probably make the BlackBerry 9000 a hit.” We know that BB hasn’t had a steller web browser in the past. I have to believe that they’ve taken the hint and made the browser on the 9xxx better. You can’t say that it isn’t good unless you’ve played with it! Have you played with it?!
That said… I agree with Robb here. I don’t think it’ll be an iPhone killer. I think that unless Apple makes some key changes to the iPhone that it will kill itself off. Many people don’t like the iPhone for its sans keyboard design. The on-screen keyboard doesn’t work for a lot of people. Many people I know have gotten rid of their iPhones because they can’t type out an email on them! Apple should also give it a removable battery. Many BB users carry two batteries because contrary to popular (Apple’s) opinion… people aren’t next to power sources all day long.
I personally don’t like this 9xxx design. These are not my words but it’s been said that it looks like the MotoQ and the iPhone had a B***ard child. I also think that the shape of it makes it look like a boat. Idk… that’s just my two cents.
You think that you are a little biased towards the iPhone? Maybe just a little bit?
The 9000 looks nice but it has the keyboard from the 8830. Given that, I think I will grab a Curve when VZW finally has them on the shelves.
Sounds like its got all the sweet hardware and systems, but why on earth would they use that keyboard? The only poeple buying that BB would be the youth, since no practical use can come of it. I think the Curve will last until the next BB after the 9000 series.
Being a Silicon Valley native, I really wanted an iphone to support our local businesses (j/k). However when I finally got to play with one, the keyboard bugged the crap out of me. I couldn’t type a message, even with my tiny fingers. So I got the Curve.
I’m with PB, the keyboard on the BB 9000 is awful. Maybe it’s meant to replace the 88xx only? If that’s the case, this would be a huge cosmetic upgrade.
@ PB
I agree with you… While I’m only a 23 y/o, I’ve been in the “business” world for 4yrs. and would never consider buying a BB with the 88xx/9xxx keyboard… for the same reason I’m not orgasming over the iPhone. The keyboards on both of them aren’t practical for emailing. (the BB’s main schtick)
Call me crazy. I don’t mind the 8830 keyboard actually. Actually the whole device feels more solid than the curve.
Although, I will be switching to it on Sprint for the camera.
The devices play to different strengths. This 9000 model will have its strengths, but still will not match the iPhone in terms of multimedia.
And remember, at about the same time Apple will release iPhone software version 2.0 which will allow for all those cool 3rd party apps. Those will change the whole game all over again. Then there will be the 3G iPhone…so it’s not like Apple will be standing still.
Now when it comes to power email and texting, however, the BB will still be king, whether it be the 9000 model or the 8330 or whatever.
One more thing to keep in mind: the media loves to manufacture a battle or contest, even where there is none. The press thinks it makes for better headlines for CNBC to bill this as some iPhone killer, rather than just a souped up BlackBerry.
CNBC is on crack! I used to watch it all the time until they started letting Money Honey interview people. They should stop using their own product. I mean comon, look at Kramer.
I wonder who paid them to say that.
Am I the only one here that thinks the 9000 is downright unattractive? I think its a huge step back from the Curve’s design. I think the Curve looks much better and I believe that I will be skipping that generation and stick with the Curve for a good long while.
Anyone who refers to the iPhone as a Blackberry killer and vice versa is crazy. The widespread adoption and market penetration RIM has been in the business, government, and growing consumer market is untouchable by Apple (sans the later). The companies have different goals in the industry. RIM is first and foremost a corporate targeted company, whereas Apple targets the iPhone towards consumers. Granted RIM has increased their focus on consumer devices in recent months/years. Apples features on the iPhone, while impressive from a technology standpoint, are somewhat useless in the business world (how many people do you know really need to have an ipod in their BB, and using the touchscreen for texting/email is horrid). A more full featured browser from RIM, as well as HTML email support will greatly benefit them in the future. I also would find it difficult for anyone to argue that Windows Mobile phones and/or Palm phones are adequate competition to RIM in the corporate world.
I have a curve my friend an iphone,I love safari but the BB can’t even be compared w/ an iphone.each in a class of their own. For me BB hands down! Anyway live and learn people
I cannot wait for the BB 9000 I think that they have hit a sweet spot for Business users. I happen to think that it has form and function, and a awesome machine. I will get one as soon at it hits the street. PS, I have owned the 8800, 8830, Curve, and a iPhone. the BB 9000 will be the biggest selling BB to date.