We keep hearing that Mobile Firefox is be developed for just about every mobile OS under the sun. The latest is Mobile Firefox for Symbian.
This post is really just a public service announcement… or public request…
Can someone please start working on Mobile Firefox for the BlackBerry?
I second that.
Why bother? For us here in the United States we have Firefox for Windows Mobile and I must say, it blows more balls than the economy. Convince Opera to get over their mood swings and introduce tabbed browsing — even a fixed number of tabs would be fine, and you will quickly forget about Firefox On The Run.
It’s open source which means that… you can start it!
@Richard Where did you get it? Because we haven’t released anything yet.
or the skyfire browser.
although i have to admit, i just got the 8900 and i like the browser better than any previous version (other than the storm given the larger screen real estate). i can actually surf the web and it is functional.
Definetly you would think that sice they are open source there would be one out there already
@Brad, it was an unofficial port of Mozilla, my mistake. I’m trying to locate the people who did it now. It has been a while since I ran Windows Mobile and the UI looked nothing like Fen. It ran on Windows Mobile 6 PocketPC Edition.
How about “could someone please develop some applications for the Storm?”. This is getting stupid. Check out the applications center lately? Its the same as it was on release day. How about some games people? How about an e-book reader? How about google maps GPS functionality?
Or better yet, how about RIM fixes the bugs in my phone? I have a battery DESTROYING glitch in mine. The screen activates every minute, which basically means my phone is always active. My battery stays charged for maybe 5 hours or so. The other day I turned my phone off before I went to bed and guess what? My phone turned itself on while I slept!
@RIM: Fix this nonsense! My friends with iPhones are laughing their a**es off right now. Is that what you want?