Research in Motion will soon release the BlackBerry Storm which looks like it will be the most powerful BlackBerry yet in terms of processing power and features. A powerful device allows for really cool applications, however, really cool BlackBerry applications are hard to find and even harder to develop.
I just heard that at the current rate of downloads, the Apple App Store, will cross the 1 billion download threshold by the end of the year. That is a staggering number of downloads in relatively short amount of time.
I will say right here that RIM cannot hope to duplicate this because you already can get BlackBerry applications from all over the place where, on the other hand, the App store is (sort of) the only place to get iPhone applications.
I am just wondering if and maybe hoping that RIM can come up with something that sits somewhere between the App Store and Many, and maybe even a majority, of BlackBerry users are only vaguely aware of the BlackBerry Help site, which has a few free BlackBerry applications and games that you can download directly to your device.
Would a portal where BlackBerry users could download hundreds or even thousands of cool BlackBerry applications fly. I know, there would first need to be hundreds or thousands of cool BlackBerry applications developed which would require a much easier way for BlackBerry developers to create BlackBerry applications, however, that is for another post.
Today we will just ask your opinion on if you think RIM could pull anything like the App Store off?
I don’t think RIM will be able to replicate this type of service, at the end of the day the Blackberry is still a corporate user device.
Besides, the iPhone is superior.
IF RIM could pull off a app store and IF RIM can keep the Blackberry hardware open, unlocked, and uncrippled by the service providers they just might be able to give the iPhone some competition. Apple being the traffic cop of the app store is not sitting well with everyone, nor is the current blocking of tethering app’s.
I continue to think RIM is going to have to step up and open factory stores (both brick and mortar and internet) to push the platform, train it’s customers, continue to update everyone to what the Blackberry can do (it’s no longer just a business email device), and last but not least sell Blackberry devices, Blackberry service, accessories, and provide a place for service and technical answers. There is only so much the service providers will or won’t do to sell and service 3rd party hardware. It took Apple many years to learn this the hard way.
What they need to do is create one portal where you can log in, take care of BIS settings and get apps. They could use the PIN of your blackberry to deliver any app you buy. maybe or something like that so ALL blackberry customers know exactly where to go to change settings, manage their account, etc.
RIM could have pulled it off three or four yrs ago, but its too late now.
the App Store is rapidly gaining momentum, and over a short time span, the iPhone will surpass BB’s; it is amazing how quickly the landscape is changing.
and there’s not anything RIMM can do to stop it.
Although I don’t think that a RIM App Store, for lack of better words, would ever become as popular as what Apple has, I don’t think it would be an exercise in futility for them to come up with something that makes getting BlackBerry applications on their devices easier.
I don’t think that you have to look at it as an Apple vs. RIM sort of thing. RIM isn’t too late because Apple doesn’t service RIM with the App Store. As long as there are millions of BlackBerry Users out there, a portal for getting BlackBerry applications would be a good thing.
RIM has an app-store. RIM decided to not lock down distribution like Apple did with a ‘walled garden’ approach. Think about it – you want to make an app and give it to your buddy – you can’t with Apple, you can with anyone else. There are many millions of downloads every month from all of the various BlackBerry channles. THE KEY DIFFERENTIATOR really – is that the iPhone app-store sits on every iPhone device. RIM cannot do that because the carriers won’t let them. The on-device store is where most of the action is.
By the way 2 facts:
1 – RIM’s apps aren’t very compelling, but neither are Apple’s. Aside from games, 90% of Apple apps are totally rediculous – JUNK. BUT – they look pretty. Uhhmmm do we really need 20 ‘tip calculators’.
2 – Apple WILL NOT reach the billion dollar or download mark – this would imply that every user is downloading dozens of apps per month – which is retarded. I downloaded like 3 apps are realized they were kind of dumb – and I might use one of them – and not often.
Last but not least all you iPhone slaves – there is really nothing the iPhone is good for besides multemedia. Messaging? Junk. Voice? Junk. Browsing – Yes, it’s the best mobile device for this – but it’s still – Junk. (How many times it crapped out on me trying to get to CNN…). 3rd party apps – a novelty.
I run around and do business all day, for that my BlackBerry is utterly invaluable, and worth huge $$$. My iPhone makes me look pretty, until I drop it once and then it’s useless.
Every time someone brings this up, I point them to Not a store, but a directory of every flipping app made for BlackBerry, and about as close to an official app store I think RIM will get. Retail isn’t their game – they’re more than happy to let third parties handle that aspect (Handango, Mobihand, carriers), and developers likely enjoy the flexibility of choosing their own distribution methods rather than being shoehorned into something created by RIM.
john – your link is just Handango’s. You can get a BlackBerry app for that.
Simon, you’re close.
Has anyone looked at RIM’s own Applications and Services Index?
Now THAT’s starting to look like an App Store!