I just read an interesting and possibly controversial comparison of the BlackBerry and iPhone. I am sure that RIM won’t be too pleased with Galen Gruman’s conclusion in the Infoworld BlackBerry vs. iPhone Deathmatch.
BlackBerry vs. iPhone DeathMatch
by Robb Dunewood | May 26, 2009 | BlackBerry | 30 comments
- WhoSayWhatWhen - BlackBerry vs. iPhone DeathMatch - [...] BlackBerry vs. iPhone DeathMatchd I just read an interesting and possibly controversial comparison of the BlackBerry and iPhone. I…
- BlackBerry vs. biPhone/b DeathMatch « Iphone Buyer Info - [...] Robb Dunewood wrote an interesting post today onBlackBerry vs. biPhone/b DeathMatchHere’s a quick excerpt [...]
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This guy is bashing the BlackBerry over the iPhone when the BlackBerry is perfectly suited as a business phone thanks to its instant emails, full hardware-based qwerty keyboard with the little extras such as video and mp2 player. You can even bluetooth business cards and files on the BlackBerry and you cant do the same with the iPhone. Infact, it was only in the recent update that Apple brought the copy and past feature when its been there all along on BlackBerrys. The iPhone is a multimedia phone with a few features just about usable by business users while the BlackBerry is a ‘real’ business phone. Tapping a long email on the iPhones touchscreen is not the same as using a proper keyboard like on the BlackBerry. I recently got rid of my iPhone 3G because it just wasn’t upto scratch for my needs. This guy seems to have a personal vendetta againsts BlackBerrys to go through the trouble of trying to bash it in his ‘review’. If one is so much in love with the iPhone, that doesnt necessarily mean that everything else out there is rubbish. One man’s trash is another mans treasure. To me, BlackBerry rules.
Its nothing new T. Remember when the Storm came out, the iphone fanboys (most reviewers that were well set and comfy with it) gave the Storm awful reviews because it was new to them. Not many people took to the split ergonomic keyboards because they were comfortable with the standard the had been using. Same goes with OS (Linux vs Windows). Unless you take the time to learn something about it, comfort levels will determine the opinion and review. If you do movies and multimedia, you will love the Mac over PC. If you like gaming you will prefer PC over Mac. Like you said…trash and treasure. At some point, you just need to disregard the reviewer opinion and enjoy the show.
“But a year ago, I replaced my nearly dead Handspring Palm-based PDA.”
If the author was actually still using a Handspring device until a year ago, then I can’t him seriously. I can’t even believe that; a) he admitted that, b) is employed in the technology arena and allowed to write articles and get them published.
Just too funny.
I thought the same thing… Kind of reminded of one of those people still using a beige desktop computer with a floppy drive and no USB ports that says Windows sucks compared Macs.
Wow, this article makes it sound as if RIM is a dying company. Last time I checked, RIM was selling a bajillion Blackberry SKUs across multiple different carriers, for business and pleasure.
I’ll admit, when I first switched to BB about 5 years ago, it took me a week or two to fully acclimate myself to what I was doing. Since then, it’s been smooth sailing and I now swear by the product. I’ve heard similar stories from people in all walks of life, so I have a hard time accepting much of what was written in this article.
Galen Gruman’s article is pretty good and fairly explains reality. Picking it apart and negatively posting about it only help verify Mr. Gruman’s findings. There is no reason to get upset with Mr. Gruman’s pointing out things which have been pointed out here time and time again, only to be countered with personal attacks and lack of understanding of the facts.
Even the biggest BB fan’s admit the BB OS and UI has fallen behind and needs to be updated. Even a certain “power user” has threatened many a time to buy a Palm Pre as soon as it’s available which shows all is not OK on the BB. If everything was OK there would be no need to even think about jumping platforms.
At the very least the current 2nd generation iPhone has caught up and in many ways exceeds the current BB’s. If nothing else this should light a fire under RIM to do what users have been asking it to do for years now and update the OS into something which is current with the rest of the smartphone industry. As Mr. Gruman points out, it won’t be easy for RIM. Apple’s job to fill in the missing bit’s on it’s platform is a lot simpler job than RIM’s need to get things updated to current standards.
“Even the biggest BB fan’s admit the BB OS and UI has fallen behind and needs to be updated.” You’re talking to some of them here and I don’t agree with that. You seem to have got your facts all mixed up like Mr. Gruman. No one is launching any personal attacks against him for we don’t even know him personally! Its what he says in his article that we don’t agree with, hence the responses. With competition from many mobile companies like Nokia, LG, Sony-Ericsson obviously it will be impossible for RIM to get all the customers to themselves and Apple isn’t even at the top of the competitors list! Nokia sells the more units per year than every other phone manufacturer. I don’t find the iPhone even worthy of being mentioned as the main competitor to the latest members in the RIM stable, just because there is one model (Storm) made by RIM that looks slightly similar to an Iphone because its fully touchscreen designed for the few who enjoy such a feature. I think Apple’s iPhone is almost like a one hit wonder, and will eventually disappear from the spotlight just like Steve Jobs has. (Nothing personal against him either, before you/anyone thinks so) Give it a bit of time and watch them start sticking keyboards to their phones just like RIM does.
LOL…@ Rock. How come I’m not surprised one bit. You’re senseless foolishness shines for us to laugh. Not sure what I’d do without your humorous posts. Thanks again for entertaining. 🙂
Yet Again…..
Please grow up and learn to post like a adult. You have been reminded many times before RIMarkable is not for you to post your desperate personal shots and to stroke your fragile ego. Rimarkable is not a place for you to post your opinions of others or what they post. Grow Up.
Do you smell what The Rock is cooking?? lol! No need to get overly defensive. The reason there is a comment box beneath the posts is for us to share our thoughts/views. So try to relax and fit in please. RIMarkable is many things to different people, but its great to all BlackBerry users.
Why call Galen Gruman’s article as “bashing” the BB? Why think Galen Gruman has a “personal vendetta” against the BB? He is pointing out a comparison between the two devices as he’s demo’ed both at the same tie. He points out positives and negatives with both devices. It’s obvious you and many with the same misguided opinion of the iPhone have not truly used both the iPhone and a BB model and compared the two with a open mind. Galen Gruman did, like other of us have who comment on why the iPhone can and is indeed making inroads in both the personal and professional smartphone market. SUch strong rejection continues to show that Galen is really onto something as his article cuts a big hole in the perception some people like to present between the two devices. Galen does a valid and fair job pointing out the iPhone has grown up and the old BB perception is no longer valid. Good for consumers, bad for some who for what ever reason can’t accept reality.
Think the first step (like other addictions) is to first admit the BB OS and UI is not up to current industry standards any more, and yes, BB fan’s have already admitted the BB OS and UI has fallen behind and needs to be updated. Some don’t observe it and thats perfectly ok too. Some for whatever reason might not be able to admit that the iPhone is RIM’s main competitor and even try to claim differently, personal opinion’s are one thing, but reality is another. Do yourself a favor though, don’t go betting on Apple’s iPhone being a one hit wonder or that Apple will add a now obsolete keyboard to the iPhone. RIM will get the touch screen perfected too and we’ll see RIM’s future designs more based on touchscreen technology as form factor design for one relies on it.
What Galen Gruman observes might not sit well with some, but those with a open mind will admit Galen’s article is valid, fair and both RIM and Apple need to continue innovating making better devices as neither is the be all end all.
“Do you smell what The T. Wahl is cooking?? lol! No need to get overly defensive. The reason there is a comment box beneath the posts is for us to share our thoughts/views. So try to relax and fit in please. RIMarkable is many things to different people, but its great to all BlackBerry users.”
LOL…What is the industry standard Rock? Would you like to announce it to everyone? Nokia, RIM, Palm, Microsoft, Apple, etc. are all waiting to hear. Also, you realize you’re defending a person who wrote that they were using a Handspring PDA until the year 2008. Just goes to show where your level of technical knowledge is…
T. Wahl…I can smell what the Rock is cooking, and it smells like bullsh*t! LOL…
Our host is just one BB fan who has posted his opinion on the OS and UI needing some updating…
“Robb Dunewood 05.21.09 at 9:58 am
I think that until RIM seriously overhauls it’s web browser, 3G doesn’t really matter all that much as most users getting this will see it as an upgrade to the old BlackBerry Curve.”
Yet Again, how pathetic…..
Please grow up and learn to post like a adult. You have been reminded many times before RIMarkable is not for you to post your desperate personal shots and to stroke your fragile ego. Rimarkable is not a place for you to post your opinions of others or what they post. Grow Up.
Well only time will tell. As I said before, I think Apple will eventually fit keyboards on their phone and not BlackBerry implementing the touchscreen into all their models. You seem so attached to Grumans views that it makes one wonder if you are him. (Not impossible) ..or maybe a Mac freak. Whatever the case, its you who seems to be having trouble swallowing the truth. I have owned both for over a year and qualify to give my own views. Quit trying to force everyone else to agree with you and Grumans views. You seem to have serious issues. Its simple, the iPhone simply will never beat BlackBerry at its own game. I suggest that you go play with your iPhone now.
Hey Rock…Robb was referring to the browser, not the OS or UI. Just look at the quote you pulled. You can’t even read! LOL…
I just did a check on Galen Gruman. He is a Mac freak just as I suspected, and obviously so is someone else *ahem* Here is the guy himself talking about something similar only this time with Mac computers vs PC and what Microsoft could learn from Apple. His reviews are obviously biaised.
” Quit trying to force everyone else to agree with T Wahl’s views” The desperate objection to a article by Galen Gruman speaks volumes.
Wow, really? another in the tiny minority who can’t handle others opinions? Who can’t handle that the iPhone is the real deal and takes personal shots at those who like Galen Gruman point out the old perception has crumbled.
A open mind is a not terrible thing. Galen Gruman shows how with a second generation device Apple has already “beat” RIM and the BB at it’s own game. It’s ok to not be able to admit it for what ever reason, it’s ok to not accept others opinions, Galen Gruman’s opinions. The tiny minority will learn it’s not “bashing”, or a “personal vendetta’s” against the BB. It’s reality based on knowledge and experience with Apple’s iPhone, a handheld computer showing it can run with anything RIM or others have on the market. That as Galen Gruman shows, the iPhone is the real deal, that the iPhone “worthy of being mentioned as the main competitor to the latest members in the RIM stable”
What the tiny minority needs to try to understand is reguardless of RIM’s BB, Apple’s iPhone turning things you don’t agree with around and taking personal shots “You seem to have serious issues” as just one example is not acceptable. RIMarkable is not for you to post your desperate personal shots and to stroke your fragile ego. Rimarkable is not a place for you to post your opinions of others or what they post. Grow Up.
T. Wahl 05.26.09 at 7:29 pm
“I just did a check on Galen Gruman.”
Thanks for solidifying 100% that the desperate objection to a article by Galen Gruman it speaks volumes.
Hahaha! Dude I have two words of advice for you: seek help.
This article is spot on. The iphone is the future and the BB is the past. But what do you expect from a Canadian company.
The writer is obvious a little bias but mostly is truthful if not all.
However, the fact is remain the same, RIM has some many generation of BlackBerry but like Palm, stuck in the moment (like form factor, style, usage and everything else).
Even the Storm (a copy cat) still work like (somewhat look like) as BlackBerry curve/bold etc. With RIM technology, years of experience and customer base, how can such poor product be produced?
People might say a lot of lacking in iPhone compare with others. Would you buy a car that has tons of features but always break down? Or buy a car with decant/okay options but runs great and reliable? You chose BlackBerry over Window Mobile in the past for the same reason. And now, a new era has arrived.
@Argonnj; I take great offense to the “But what do you expect from a Canadian company.” comment you made. Its not the fact that it’s a Canadian company, but more about who is running said company and the decisions they make.
My own Opinion, at no one in particular: Also, I will at least agree that the Blackberry UI needs an overhaul, a fast boot-up time would be great and all, but as a first time blackberry user (Just passed the 1 year mark), I am extremely happy with my Curve and how it preforms.
I dont need my blackberry for IT or Business Meetings, I enjoy it for looking up info on the web if I need it, BB messenger, Great Calendar, Alarm Clock and Notes. The music player runs smoothly and even with only a 4GB micro SD card in it, I have plenty of storage.
I dont think Blackberry is a dying company, I just think they need a fresh start. They could really stand to re-write the OS and update the UI, I would also like more video format support.
In short: The blackberry works. for me. Its no perfect, needs some work for modern day consumers, but overall is a pleasure to own.
Having just read this article, I have to agree it is obviously written with an agenda. The author compares things like “Gokiva Navigator” to Google Maps. Is he not aware that BBerry has Google Maps and Blackberry Maps – both excellent applications? Is he not aware that in addition you can get voice navigation on the Berry, but not on the iPhone?
How about multitasking? He effuses – rightly – over the iPhone’s web capabilities. But how efficient is it if I have to close and reopen the browser every time I want to, say, respond to a text message?
He rightly complains about the Berry’s stupid time stamping (yes, RIM, it is stupid). But this is a minor annoyance to business users compared to lack of copy/paste (yes, I know the Beta 3 is promising it, but it’s still not here).
Let’s face it everyone, this so called comparison which after the reading the comments on the actual page, was a complete failure.
Fail to actually give a legit comparison
Fail to show no bias in opinion
And just plain out failure with everything else.
Another “I heart Steve Jobs” thing from a wannabe trendy who thinks its cool to watch Hot for Words on his iPhone.
And let’s be f$%#ing serious…touch screen over qwerty keyboard for e-mailing? Is this Steve Nut Job serious?
so ROFLMAO at the article as it gives the apple boys another way to dance around the iPod and say “Down with conventional thinking!”
Like a political party….great ideas….terrible people behind it
p.s. @ the rock and all the apple boys
Also, the iPhone is not a real f$%@&ing phone. It’s a computer that’s only good for having ants crawl all over it and watching videos.
The iPhone is a breakthrough product and has raised the standard of consumerism with phones. The OS is truly unique and having a real web browser is a tremendous feature.
But that’s it!!! Nothing more!!
If your job requires you to go on the web a lot, OVER everything else, then yes iPhone is a great choice.
Just make sure you keep your car charger handy as well as a spare battery.
And try not to get too mad when you don’t have service all the time “ahem central jersey”
But overall, BB, stands tall and strong because it is an actual Smart Phone. E-mail, calendar, the web 2.0 and social media apps are fantastic on this phone, the battery lasts a hell of a lot longer, and can simply just do more.
Can it improve? Of course this is mobile consumerism! We are never satisfied unless we can cook our frozen meals with it!
So Apple don’t be mad just because you didn’t reach the original targeted market and got stuck with the kiddies who are busy sending sexual pictures while in class.
And don’t be mad that we have a larger audience, more capabilities, and are on many different networks!
Don’t hate, lil baby! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5g3t7_maino-hi-hater-official-video_music
Whoa…. easy….. relax
Stupid article from an Apple fanboy. No cred.
Stop comparing! We all know that bot have their own specialties.