An anonymous tipster over at BlackBerrySync.com has sent in some pretty nice looking BlackBerry Thunder pictures featuring the new media player that will access a carrier branded music store from which BlackBerry Thunder owners can access directly from their device.

Like on the iPhone you will be able to watch movies on the BlackBerry Thunder in landscape mode.
I personally, cannot wait until the BlackBerry Thunder comes out. I am still not entirely sold on the complete lack of a physical keyboard, however, the thought of a 360×480 touch screen display is exciting to say the least.
I think the Thunder will be the Verizon competition for the iPhone. It will probably be a great device, but I cannot imagine RIM outdoing Apple on things like the media player.
However, it will have the vaunted BB push email system…and be on VZW’s network.
The big winner will be the consumer who will be offered yet more choice.
The LG Dare is Verizon’s big push against the iPhone. I’m sure the Thunder will play its part in an onslaught of competitive devices but the Dare will be at the forefront. That’s how it always works at Verizon, LG is king there.
Plus the Dare is already for sale and there’s no telling when the Thunder will be released.
I hate the fact that Blavkberry has to put this phone on Verizons netowrk , a compnay who screws over everyone. I switched to at&t for that reason and the fact that Blackberry was somewhat exclusive to them. lets just hope that Blackberry comes out wiht a touchscreen slide out qwerty