I am not quite sure how long this banner has been in rotation on the BlackBerry website, but, RIM appears to be quietly letting people know that the BlackBerry is top dog when it comes to smartphones in America.
Many have made a big to do about the BlackBerry Curve 8300, losing it’s number one status to the the iPhone last year, but, failed to realize, or care, that RIM cannibalized it’s best seller a bit when they introduced its successor, the BlackBerry Curve 8500.
All is well with the BlackBerry brand and at Research in Motion. Even though the Curve 8300 may not have been the number one seller last year, the BlackBerry brand is still clearly number one. As a matter of fact, RIM actually increased their lead over the iPhone as far as total market share is concerned .
It looks like the iPhone is just not the BlackBerry killer everyone thought it would be…
I guess the iPhone is killing the BlackBerry softly.
I guess RI M is killing the BlackBerry softly…
I don’t follow… RIM isn’t a BlackBerry killer. They make the BlackBerry.
Wow you keep posting stuff like this.
The iPhone is essentially one model on one carrier, while the Blackberry is like 20 – 8100, 8300, 8900, 9000, 9500, 9600, 9700, plus all the variants of these – and on multiple carriers.
The fact that the iPhone is even remotely competitive makes it a huge success.
Does it really matter that the Blackberry is outselling the iPhone, if the circumstances are entirely different.
“Wow you keep posting stuff like this.”
Did you by any chance look at the name of this website or it’s tagline? Why wouldn’t you expect a BlackBerry blog to actually talk about BlackBerry stuff in a positive light?
I don’t think anyone is arguing that the iPhone isn’t a huge success. It’s just not as successful as the BlackBerry…
Yes, I know he writes about the Blackberry.
I just don’t how you can say the Blackberry is more successful. There is way more to the story than the pure numbers. iPhone is way more innovative and has spurned a certain class of touchscreen smartphone, copied by Palm, Google and Blackberry. Put the iPhone on all carriers and see how much more successful it it would be. That fact that it’s sales can even keep up with a bazillion different types of RIM phones makes it more successful in my opinion. I am not sure how you can dispute that.
And FYI, I love my Blackberry.
Uh…the same can be said for Apple copying Palm since they were the first out there with a touch screen phone…just sayin’.
And FYI…I love my BB, iPhone, and N1 (I love webOS the most, but I can’t deal with Sprint and about to kill my iPhone with AT&T for the same reason). 🙂
Well, if you take numbers out of the equation, I say that the Palm Pre is the most successful. WebOS, believe or not, is more user friendly than the BlackBerry, Android, WinMo, and the iPhone. Nevermind the fact that Sprint can’t give the things away, the OS is sweet.
Sounds kind of ridiculous doesn’t it? Well that is because it is. You can almost always qualify and rationalize your premise to make true.
do you define “successful” as the number of phones sold or profits? if its the latter, i strongly suspect apple is the winner; apple has some of the highest gross profit margins in the tech industry.
steve jobs negotiated a very profitable deal with at&t . RIM would be wise to emulate it.
Well, this post was about being number one in sales, so, for the purposes of this post, i define most successful as the one who sells the most.
just curious, does the “free” one in BOGO count as a “sale?”
btw, i use a BB.
Blackberry gives people different options. Different phones for different people. iPhone gives one option on one carrier in the U.S. You love the iPhone on AT&T or you don’t.
I will take options (and I will never take ANY phone on AT&T again).
“just curious, does the “free” one in BOGO count as a “sale?””
The answer is absolutely yes… RIM is not giving you a free BlackBerry during a BOGO sale. With a few exceptions, RIM doesn’t sell BlackBerry devices directly to customers. They sell them to Wireless carriers. When a wireless carrier offers a BOGO sale, they
essentially are just offering you a bigger “savings” on upfront costs when you buy a subsidized device.
Don’t look at a BOGO sale as getting one device for $199 and the second device free. Its more like both devices cost $99 and you agree to pay the carrier monthly for the next 24 months for both devices.
At the end of the day, wireless carries make, a lot of money BOGO sales.