Word on the street is that there will be a BlackBerry Storm launch party featuring the Foo Fighters and Queens of the Stone Age held tonight in Los Angeles.
[Via CrackBerry.com]
Word on the street is that there will be a BlackBerry Storm launch party featuring the Foo Fighters and Queens of the Stone Age held tonight in Los Angeles.
[Via CrackBerry.com]
Not for nothing…but for a friggin phone? Unreal. What’s next, Metallica playing for the new release of Tide detergent?
This is rad. All this, for a phone. The hype machine keeps rolling, and it’s working on me, that’s for sure. đ
they have me too. i wish that they would just get this over with, so that i can get some sleep. believe it or not this phone took my mind off the release of gears of war 2, how did that happen???
Hype is a big deal nowadays, especially with the success of the Internet.
Look at Apple for example. Do you think Microsoft gets all the hype, attention and coverage when they do something to the Zune? Nope! Put an “i” in front of it and you’ve got a party.
I’m really hoping the Nov. 15th date is the launch date as rumored. My Pearl is getting jiggy and has some serious memory leaks. The occasional reboot on it’s own is becoming an issue. From 8MB to 0MB in a day or two is insane.
Been reading some of the feedback from last nights Storm party. Mixed reviews out there. Looks like a late November release, and probably best if the device is that buggy. Time is ticking though. With all the feedback that I’ve been reading, I’m thinking ‘Javelin’. I’ll most likely still get the Storm (it may not be as bad as they say, especially with the biased writing/reporting by BGR), but I think in the long run the Javelin may be the device that does it for me, provided it’s on VZW.
Anyone out there get a chance to go to the party last night and test it out?
Oh no the Storm is crippled:
“Though the omission of two all-but-standard smartphone features from BlackBerry’s Storm is disappointing, it isn’t totally inexplicable. BGR has confirmed through a “really top-level” Verizon source that the crippling was â surprise! â carried out at the behest of the wireless company. Few wireless providers are innocent of phone neutering, but this blatant promotion of their data service and the added network anchor that the lack of tri-band HSDPA adds protect interests that, well, don’t really need much protecting. Even with Wi-Fi, who the hell is going to buy a Storm without a data plan? Stop baiting us, Verizon. We like you”
The real reason the BlackBerry Storm doesnât have Wi-Fi or tri-band HSDPA
“You might have guessed it, but the reason is Verizon! We confirmed this a little while back with one of our really top-level sources (you know who you are!) and they did, in fact, confirm our suspicions â Verizon said hell to the no, we donât play that up in here! Now, before the flamewars start, I will publicly say that although it might not be crystal clear, I love Verizon. Personally, Verizon has the best voice and data network in the US. Did you hear that? I lovez me some VZW.
With that out of the way, itâs pretty clear Verizonâs stance with Wi-Fi, but no tri-band HSDPA? We can only assume Verizon thought that with tri-band HSDPA, people would be unlocking these things left and right to use the devices on AT&T and Rogers. That would take out a decent chunk of their data revenue, but at the end of the day, are that many people who now canât get a 3G Storm but rather a 2G one going to port to Verizon because of it? That remains to be seen, but all Storm first-hand impressions aside, this thing not having Wi-Fi at the very minimum is a major pain in the ass. Does anyone remember the âleakedâ Expansys photo that had the Wi-Fi indicator in it? Funny, right? And to the commenters who will start saying, âItâs the best data network, you donât need Wi-Fi!â Youâre dumb, ignorant, and stupid. Plain and simple.”
Lol @ Richard: “success of the internet”
Gave me a chuckle. Reminded me of those “it won’t last” bits.
I know you were referring to viral marketing.
@ hellno…I mean onoshedidnt
The only thing that is crippled is your intelligence. You quote a site that is biased to the iPhone and AT&T. Read on and you’ll see. The majority of the readers there feel as such, and other blogs have pointed it out as well. BGR has lost some integrity based on their bias in some articles and I’ve had this discussion with BG as well. People are entitled to their opinion, but there’s a professional line when it comes to objective reporting. BG has a reputation of getting the inside info before most, and to uphold that reputation, non-biased reporting is expected if to be taken seriously.
Now, these comments coming from you are quite hysterical considering you work at Verizon. I understand you’re not a fan of theirs because of your affiliation with the union and issues with how VZW treats unions. BTW…how is your site doing? Do they know?
Verizon sells phones with WiFi. Do your due diligence before you start ranting like an uneducated fool. In addition, how would WiFi take a chunk out of their data pool when you get the data for free when you get the BlackBerry plan to begin with regarding the Storm, which is what they’re speaking about? Someone who buys a Storm isn’t going to ‘not’ get the BB plan, nor can they. AT&T forces you to purchase the data plan when you purchase the iPhone. Ever think one of the reasons wifi is included in the iPhone is because of the crappy coverage AT&T offers on their 3G network. How many people have trouble using the 3G service AT&T offers for iPhone users?
Yes, VZW looks to make a few bucks here and there, but what company doesn’t? AT&T should be in the spot light for offering a 3G service that people have issues using at times (too many users? Ooops, AT&T should have planned this out better then). I’m not even getting into the dropped calls, etc. And VZW has NOT crippled their GPS on the Storm, which you’ve always complained about in the past on past devices. If you want turn-by-turn directions spoken out, etc., then you subscribe to Navigator, just like you would with AT&T. Otherwise BB Maps and Google Maps will be unlocked.
As for the Storm, I’ll be the first to rip it if it sucks. I’m looking forward to see how RIM performs in their first device with a touch screen, and how the general public responds to a formidable player/phone vs. the Apple/iPhone machine. Will certainly be interesting.
PS – Ever work at Pathmark hellno? Hmmm…
bluehorseshoe, wrong yet again stop calling people names unless you expect the same childish BS in return. Who works for verizon? Who brought up verizon’s illegal union busting, anti-union actions? What does this or other web sites have to do with Rims flagship product “Storm” being crippled with multiple standards missing?
Last time I checked and if you read the articles neither are anti verizon, nor anti blackberry, just the opposite in fact. Your continual blind fanboy cheering for everything verizon, everything blackberry and nothing else is humorous. There are no excuses, zero, for the Storm to be crippled and even less excuses for Blackberry fans such as you claim yourself to be to accept Blackberry’s being crippled by service providers.
bluehorseshoe, it’s one thing to point out things which are not the truth, but with you it’s all about throwing fits, getting your panties in knots, and showing your piss poor people skills over what really is the truth. There is no defending verizon’s factual crippling of smartphones like they are now doing with the Storm, taking advantage of customers and RIM. Too bad the iPhone has reduced RIM such a small player at ATT, with verizon’s constant crippling demands there in no way RIM will ever be able to shine with innovation. bluehorseshoe it’s time for you to wake up, grow up and learn when you haven’t a clue (like normal) to shut up you just might (doubtful) learn something. No Wi-Fi, no tri-band HSDPA on RIM’s flagship Storm is not a benefit to RIM nor it’s blackberry users. The crippling has yet again been brought to you by verizon, who’s always working against you, Until they get caught. The mindless newbs and fanboys making excuses for the truth helps no one.
PS bluehorseshoe no need to subscribe to extra charges for GPS to work on iPhone’s. But then again there are so many holes in your desperate attempt’s to act like your a big shot and have a clue. Your desperate attempt’s to excuse verizon for anti-consumer actions and your confusion over other providers GPS functions on hardware you don’t have once again highlights your complete lack of knowledge.
LOL…thanks for confirming you’re hellno. Again, welcome back.
hellno 2. The sequel. Better (and dumber) than ever. Dude, you don’t disappoint.
Not only are you wrong with your name calling, but with each post you prove your a child who can’t handle others opinions, how sad. bluehorseshoe = pathetic, your lack of intellect makes you a perfect customer for verizon. You prove each day you are exactly what BGR calls: “And to the commenters who will start saying, âItâs the best data network, you donât need Wi-Fi!â Youâre dumb, ignorant, and stupid. Plain and simple.â bluehorseshoe a claimed “power user” who turns out to be nothing but a verizon cheerleader and excuse maker. With any once of intellect one would understand verizon’s continuing crippling actions are not good for consumers and not good for RIM and it’s new Storm. bluehorseshoe, till you grow up and learn a few things your fanboy posts and name calling of anyone who’s opinions you don’t agree with are not needed nor wanted. It’s quite easy to understand the Storm would be a better device for consumers with Wi-Fi, and tri-band HSDPA. The Storm is after all is being positioned to be RIM’s flagship Blackberry to try and stop the masses from upgrading to Apple’s iPhone 3G. The truth hurts, but nasty posts, lies, and ignorance are worse, Shame on you (again).
How do you you know I’m a ‘power user’? Only hellno knows that…hellno. LOL. Man I missed you.
We all see your pathetic need to continue get the last word no matter how wrong you are though out the entire thread. Why keep up the desperate grasping at anything and the name calling? All to continue to prove your still wrong with each and every post? One doesn’t have to go far to find bluehorseshoe posting boasts trying to fool others that your a “power user” or even have a clue at all. Sorry bluehorseshoe you are the one who wrongly takes everything off topic to the point of insulting others when you find something factual posted by others which for some reason upsets you. There is certainly boarder line mental problems with you bluehorseshoe. Others can have opinions which most of the time are on message without the want or need of you posting pathetic off topic rants desperate to defend what is without a doubt bad for RIM, and bad for blackberry subscribers. Again it comes down to that itâs quite easy to understand the Storm would be a better device for consumers with Wi-Fi, and tri-band HSDPA. The Storm is after all is being positioned to be RIMâs flagship Blackberry to try and stop the masses from upgrading to Appleâs iPhone 3G, service providers like verizon crippling features is not good for RIM, nor Blackberry subscribers.
Thanks for the lesson hellno. đ
Keep up the ignorance bluehorseshoe.