After reading a few threads in various message boards it appears that one of the big misses with the BlackBerry Pearl is the lack of any type of holster. RIM definitely went the “cell phone” route with the Pearl giving you only the essentials to operate the device out of the box.
Not only does the BlackBerry Pearl not contain a holster, there didn’t seem to be any holsters or cases in the T-Mobile stores to buy either. This is where I think that Research in Motion made a mistake. RIM had to know that even though they are pushing the BlackBerry Pearl as a more consumer oriented BlackBerry that most people in stores yesterday buying the devices are die-hard existing BlackBerry users. Ones who are used to holsters and belt clips.
The Shop BlackBerry accessories store has skins for the BlackBerry Pearl and a leather carrying case, however, they won’t be available for a week or two. RIM is missing a huge opportunity to sell these accessories because they weren’t available to the folks picking up BlackBerry Pearls on day one. RIM should have known that the first Pearl customers would have been existing BlackBerry addicts that would have bought these accessories up left and right if made available.
I don’t know why the stopped shipping with holsters but if you just want to get a case, try the leather case for the MDA if they have one. The Pearl fits in there almost perfectly…
At a recent event RIM spent ages going over their accessories. I guess they’re trying to help out their service providers and dealers by giving them more opportunity to bundle in accessories with their sales rather than throwing everything in the box.
I heard someone else say the same thing BBAmin. I wonder why the accessories weren’t available at the time of release? It seems to me like T-Mobile would be able to capitalize on the upsell if there were accessories in the store to upsell. How many people would spend $200 bucks on a BlackBerry and then say no to a $10 case?
Totally in agreement.
If the accessories weren’t going to be bundled inside the box, at least have them at the store for sale. That would have been a win-win situation…the store and RIM make more money, and the customers are satisfied…
I agree…it’s a great opportunity lost…
For as cheap as the price is on the Pearl, you really can’t complain about a holster. Apple did the same thing with the iPod and it’s accessories…
Annonymous: I’ll totally concede your point and allow for not bundling accessories inside the box.
But what is wrong is that the accessories are not yet even available for sale. That is a mistake. Think of how many of those purchasing the Pearl on the first day would have gobbled up any accessories that would have been available. I’m willing to bet that almost every single buyer would have at least purchased a case or skin for the device. That’s missed opportunity for sales, and worse, that left some customers feeling neglected.
So no case inside the box…no problem. But at least have the optional cases in the stores in time for the release.
I couldn’t agree more…
I totally agree if the earphones (media) and holster/case were not included in the box. They should have at least been available for purchase at the store at time of release. I love my phone it’s BEAUTIFUL! I just hate that I was not able to purchase a case to protect it and now I have to keep checking back with the store to see if they have received any accesories or puchase them elsewhere. What a great inconvenience to the customer~Not well planned!
I actually think its lame that this stuff is not included. As a Blackberry consumer with T-Mobile I have always applauded the fact that these are included.
Its no secret that T-Mobile doesn’t have the best coverage so why would they take away something so small that makes us deal with some of the bad stuff.
Very disappointed. I’ll wait to buy this until they start shippping the devices the way they should be shipped.
I bought my Pearl last Tuesday, on the day they came out, and was also disappointed that there was no holster or case. But I was back at the T-Mobile Store today (because my Pearl already broke – but they replaced it no questions asked) and they are now carrying a great black leather holster designed specifically for the Pearl/8100. (Has the magnet etc like the 7100 case that I had) It was only $20 bucks.
She said they just got it today and it should be at all the stores soon. I’m in Scottsdale, AZ.
Yep, you definitely need a skin or something for it … it’s most definitely a device that needs some form of protection to keep it in good condition!
This thing rocks. As far as the no holster goes, don’t be such a tight wad. Everyone just ends up throwing the provided holster in the trash for third parties that work better anyway. A Blackberry with voicedialing, a camera, etc….. I guess there’s soemone to complain about everything.
Even if that were true, there were not any third party accessories in the stores for folks to buy.
T- Mobile sells an 8100 case. I know because I bought it when I picked up my phone. Additioanlly, you can get an 8100 case from There’s two aftermarkets and RIM will have another one direct next week . Also, the Pearl ahs the same basic fottprint as the Motorola Sliver.
The point behind this post was that the day that the BlackBerry Pearl came out there were no accessories to go with it in the T-Mobile stores. RIM and T-Mobile, therefore, missed a huge upsell opportunity to sell accessories.
I still think its bullsh*t that it doesnt come with accessories like every other BB has come with. Just pathetic.
First off I absolutely love this phone!!! love it, love it, love it. Secondly T-mobile had a pouch available when I went in to buy the phone and I have not had any issues with the cases, or the phone.
When I bought my Pearl from T-Mobile I was able to purchase a leather holster to go with it. The phone works with the magnet in the holster – so when you slide the phone in, it will hang up, you can also set it up to answer when you pull it out of the holster – have it ring differently in and out… check out tmobile. You’ll find your holster.
check out my website. I designed and manufacturered a holster / organizer. My current site isn’t great but you will get the idea. In two weeks my professional site will be launched.
I have sold over 100 of these and to BlackBerry, PDA and cell users.
Let me know what you think.
Does anyone knows why you can asnwer a call on the blackberry 8830 while on the holster clip. Please any help!
Does anyone knows why you can’t answer a call on the blackberry 8830 while on the holster clip. Please any help!
It really is a problem, but is easily solved by buying an aftermarket product. For instance, you could purchase this case ( and it would look exactly like the stock one.
Useful data regarding BlackBerry Leather Holster for 8300, 8310, 8320, and 8330 Curve (Black) can be found at,+8310,+8320,+and+8330+Curve++(Black).27 users rated the product with an average of 4.0.These reviews helped me decide which product I wanted to buy.