The first pictures of the the CDMA BlackBerry Niagara 9630 have hit the web courtesy of It looks to be just slightly larger than the BlackBerry Curve 8900 but considerably smaller than the BlackBerry Bold. I can’t wait to get my hands on one of these.
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The 8900 is the perfect size. Not sure if I personally would like the slightly larger size of the 9630. The closer to the Bold, the less likely I’d be interested. Difficult to tell in the picture…crossing my fingers it won’t be that much of a difference.
Any idea when/if these come out on Verizon?
It takes time to verizon, I mean cripple, remove and lock down device functions and applications which verizon doesn’t allow it’s customers to have.
“it appears that Wi-Fi has been dropped from the menu, quite possibly at the request of Verizon.”
“this bad beast is not going to have Wi-Fi. Oh man, they never learn, do they?”
@ rock
You’re a fool. Try picking a non-biased site. I guess there’s not much to expect from the mentally naive.
Now go get me a beer boy…before you smell what I’m cooking!
Wait the excuse now is is now a “biased site” yeah ok. Nice try, all that and also showing “mentally naive” by making childish, class-less, name calling personal posts here at rimarkable. SHAME.
Another bit of recent verizon news:
Verizon will share your private data unless you opt-out
“After all, it’s only your billing info, technical info, location info and service purchases that are going to be exposed here.”
since wifi is SLOWLY becoming a feature for verizon windows based phones…BlackBerries are still a little reluctant to have it just because well Verizon tries to be like Microsoft and control and profit from everything. They are focusing on their network and wifi causes a breakaway for consumers to not apply for the full data service.
Also since… 4g is around the corner for Verizon, they are dealing with those technicalities as well.
though it may not have wifi, i’m hoping it will have vcast available and complete internet user friendly experience and better e-mail visual quality. And of course have MS Office documents readible and hopefully editable as well!! That would be huge in the business world.
Either way, as a Verizon customer who hates having to be patient for new phones to come…I am beyond freaking excited about the Niagra coming to VZW as though I love my curve….I hate the storm simply because well I just don’t like touch screens…even iphones erk the f out of me. Just my feelings though…
Either way, Verizon since you do check popular blogs etc…and hopefully you’re reading this following message I have for you….
DO NOT F@$& THIS UP! Though you may not allow WIFI….just keep the balance of fun and work….and IMPROVE ON THE WORK….as play can be downloaded…but please…don’t cripple the bluetooth or anything else…no wifi? fine….whatever I live in NYC area so i’m good with connections…but please do not cripple anything else….give yourself an appealing advantage so i can go to a att customer and be like HAH MOFO! LOOK WHAT I GOT THAT IS NOT CRIPPLED WITH THE NETWORK!
childish words…but us VZW customers think it everyday when we see the new 8900 or bold….
till then…love this blog…and please keep childish name calling to a minimal since people…you’re arguing over a freaking phone…keep it just about the phone and your comparing sources…but remember…like most news on the internet…75% is not editorial….talk to you all later!
Service providers altering, crippling, removing functions and app’s on smartphones is unacceptable, they provide the service, they shouldn’t be messing with another companies (like RIM’s) devices. The arrogance and greed has gone on for too long by the service providers and the manufacture and the consumer are the ones who are hurt by it. RIM designs very good BB devices, why should they or those of us who use their BB devices accept or worse make excuse for service providers who continuously altering, crippling, removing functions and app’s on BB’s?
RIM needs to give those of us who get it, (get that a certain service provider is continuously altering, crippling, removing functions and app’s on their banded devices) access to unbranded, unaltered, uncrippled, with all the RIM included functions and app’s BB devices. RIM sell direct, RIM open up a few well placed RIM owned and operated factory stores and service centers.
Since the appearance of the BlackBerry Curve 8900 and BlackBerry Bold are morphed into one, does any knows if Verizon will still offer the Blackberry Curve 8930?
I don’t know Andrew. It seems unlikely as from my observation RIM is starting to create different devices for different carriers. Create more variety. Which I feel is a smart move considering that Verizon was THE LAST to get the 8330 curve. And I was waiting like a kid on christmas. Now the the cuve 8900 which I think looks fantastic, will probably not come to verizon. Simply because if reports are true, the Niagra will hog the spotlight and investment from Verizon, considering Verizon has to put their spin on it.
Which is most unfortunate. Though some phones in VZW are starting to pop up with wifi features. For some reason software is still crippled. It takes more work for a CDMA service than a GSM service to program.
I am excited about 4g coming soon and I’m going to be under the impression that the Niagra (next year when it comes out) will be a 4g phone. Thus setting a new standard in phone configuration. I’m really excited about 4g though. Really I am. Time to for VZW to really sock it to ATT and T-mobile (sorry!)