Kevin over at CrackBerry.com got some pretty good marketing slick photos of the BlackBerry Javelin.
The BlackBerry Javelin is supposed to be a replacement of the BlackBerry Curve and, coming in a bit smaller than the Curve, might be the first full QWERTY keyboard bearing BlackBerry that I would choose over a SureType BlackBerry.
More BlackBerry Javelin pictures here…
It looks great, but I don’t know why there is no 3G on this phone…
Also, it’s probably a reasonable assumption that it will be at least an additional year before VZW gets this…
Now imagine if VZW had been able to release this phone with 3G at or about the same time as the iPhone…
I think that the BlackBerry Bold delay on is going to make RIM look at things a bit differently when it comes to release strategy.
Well, this does look like a slick device. I am glad, on one hand, that they are using a 512mhz processor because it will make wifi worth it. (Wifi does nothing for me on current devices as the weak processor can’t handle the data throughput). On the other hand, with a more powerful processor comes higher costs. I was hoping this would be a cheap device given the no 3G perhaps with similar pricing to kickstart ($50 anyone?). I guess we’ll have to wait. Pricing this device low coupled with cheaper email plans should make this more popular than the curve.
I’m actually thinking about forgoeing the bold (although I’m sure I’ll buy one!) And judt using this due to the small size. I love the curve I have now, but a slightly smaller version with wifi and faster processor is almost just what the doc ordered. Only need to add 3G and this would be just about perfect.
I don’t get the lack of 3G either. Edge is just painful.
The only thing that I can think of is that RIM started designing this device before a time when they could fit 3G, WiFi, and and a fast processor into the space available to them.
I am going to take a wild guess and assume that the BlackBerry Javelin will be one of the last GSM BlackBerrys that we see that doesn’t have 3G.
On second thought, I am having a hard time believing that one myself… I have no idea why the BlackBerry Javelin doesn’t have GPS.
It still makes no sense to not have 3G on this phone when it will have the much improved BB web browser.
The new BB web browser needs 3G. And WiFi just doesn’t cut it compared to 3G.
I realized that on the iPhone. It’s a pain to try to find WiFi. But with 3G, on the new iPhone, or on any BB on VZW, it’s so much nicer to just use the phone anywhere and everywhere with a fast connection.
Is this going to be available for Verizon?