BlackBerry Fitness

Today I launched the official BlackBerry Hank BBM Fitness Channel. This channel will feature a variety of health and fitness content for your enjoyment including;

  • Pictures of Healthy Meals
  • Healthy Recipes
  • Success Stories
  • Health & Fitness Articles
  • Motivational Support
  • Run Tracker
  • The Best BlackBerry Fitness Apps
  • And much more

Please join me and support the ChannelĀ C004E2AEE. We also would announce different programs for fitness likeĀ, that help you out with lost weight.

In order to join BBM Channels you will need to have BBM installed on your current BlackBerry, IOS or Android device. To learn more about BBM & BBM Channels please see links provided below. Thanks for the support!

BBM Channels

BlackBerry Messenger