Just yesterday we talked about a leaked version of BlackBerry Desktop Manager 5, however, today all the talk is about BlackBerry Desktop Software 6 which is now available in limited beta to some BlackBerry Beta Zone members. According to Audrey from Inside BlackBerry, RIM did a complete overhaul of BlackBerry Desktop Software 6 to make it a true part of the overall BlackBerry 6 experience.
I could care less about the desktop software. Give me an effing beta of BlackBerry 6 on my 9650…
I am a little confused. I just signed up for that beta zone but I can’t find this software anywhere. Is this actually released or is a leak?
It is only released in limited beta to select beta zone members. I am not able to download it yet either. You should get an email when, and, if it becomes available to you.
I really don’t understand RIM’s policy logic to issue certain beta software testing to selective beta members , when fact is they accepting memberships for beta open to all
I don’t like it, but, I do understand it. This really is a beta and they want to control the number of people that it goes out initially. I guess that the select beta zone members are the ones who have actually been members for a while and have actively sent feedback about other beta programs back to RIM.
This new version for windows sounds great !
In my case I hope for a better Mac Blackberry Desktop Manager (with the capability to upgrade my firmware, a better synchronization,…)