Today marks the day that the BlackBerry that, in my opinion, will sell better than any BlackBerry to come before it hits the streets. The BlackBerry Curve from AT&T is officially available.
Read the press release…
Today marks the day that the BlackBerry that, in my opinion, will sell better than any BlackBerry to come before it hits the streets. The BlackBerry Curve from AT&T is officially available.
Read the press release…
As a Verizon user, I may need to abandon ship and take a look at this device.
Can you slingbox onto a blackberry?
will you be able to slingbox onto the iphone?
I don’t know if one for the iPhone is coming out, however, as of right now there is no a SlingPlayer Mobile Client for BlackBerry.
My guess is that with one will enventually come out now that their are BlackBerrys that could run it.
I am contemplating leaving Verizon temporarily so that I can get a BlackBerry with a camera in it. It is disconcerting that Verizon has allowed two GSM CameraBerrys and possibly a third to come out before they offer even their first.
I can’t “Hear Them Now” because they don’t have any of the phones that I want.
I hear ya Rob, and as a “switcher” myself. I don’t miss Verizon one bit, an keep five bars nearly everyplace I go, so do what you gotta do, remember that if you find yourself unhappy you can always return it (they are very good about that), just buy from a corporate store, and you should have a great experiance. There is girl at work who has a 7520 (nextel) who has been lusting after the curve for weeks, so now I guess she can finally be happy. Also, I am so disapointed with Palm, its scary that they think anyone is going to buy a 500 dollar crippled laptop to type on their smartphone (which already has a keyboard). I mean man why would this once great company keep commiting product suicide, this is truly disheartning. I feel really bad bad for this guy he really believes in this thing, here is a link to the video http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid452319854/bctid935459074
I’m a Verizon customer currently and I want the Curve. I just abandoned my Treo – rather my Treo abandoned me! So I’m going to drop my phone plan to lowest possible minutes until my Verizon contract is up in a few months. Meanwhile, I’ll have the Curve before the weekend is over. It sucks that Verizon is so behind the times despite the fact that they have a good network.
As a Verizon Treo 700 user tired of routine OS crashes and the lack of variety of new devices from Verizon (Verizon, wake up!!!), I too am tempted to switch to AT&T for the Curve. Nonetheless, I’ve heard that AT&T/Cingular RIM devices have trouble with web-based e-mail. Rather than receiving a copy of each e-mail (one to your Yahoo account and one to your device), AT&T forwards the Yahoo e-mails to your device, which can wreck havoc with tracking your e-mail. Does anybody know anything about this issue? Is it still an issue? Anyway, that would be a deal killer for me.
There is a thread over at Blackberryforums.com about where people can get one in store. Doesn’t look so good across the US. http://www.blackberryforums.com/general-8300-series-discussion/78791-store-availability-thread.html#post551420
ok i just read that att has a 90 day exclusive rights to the curve so does that mean that t-mobile wont get the curve until about august ??? someone please help me with this one
be careful what you read, but it could be true, the 8800 had about a 60 day delay from ATT to T-Mobile, and for whatever reason it costs a lot more as well, go figure>
Rob, a buddy of mine switched because of the same thing with his 2nd Treo 750p, and he decided enough was enough, as he thought the GPS features of my 8800 were too cool not to have himself, he got his from Amazon.com for the outrageous price of $75 and has been a happy camper ever since.
Sorry, A little too late.. I am buying an iPhone
Just upgrade to at&t already. Enough with mcwireless and it’s tiny and crippled device offering.
Of course ATT doesn’t have the device readily available in store yet, why? Because of poor planning and execution. I do not know why people thought that att this time around would be different from the mistakes they made with the pearl….another Pearl misshap. I am glad that I switched over to T-mo, regardless if it is going to be 3 or 4 months till they release the phone, the fact of the matter is that T-mo is better prepared. Anyway, good luck to everyone trying to find one!
I smell yet another Pearl epidemic. When will ATT learn that they seriously should have a well established stock of the cell phone units in store before “releasing” the phone onto the mass market? I just do not understand how a company that keeps “raising the bar” and becoming a “new” innovation can be so ill prepared with training, releases of new devices, and overall preparation. I am truly dissapointed in ATT and am very happy that I switched over to Tmo. I am ecstatic with Tmo and their great service, and honostly guys, I haven’t had ONE dropped call at all. On cingular, I always had dropped calls and reboots needed to be done on my 8700, 8100, and 8800 it was pathetic….I can’t wait to get the Curve on Tmo, I wonder if the color scheme will be any different. Bon Voyage Cingular its been rotten!
I’m an at&t customer and can honestly say I luv there service! Yea Yea, they released the Curve today and there not in every single store yet! Big deal, I ordered mine through customer sales this afternoon and will have it tomorrow! I’d rather have an ok launch then nothing at all (sorry TMO people).Didn’t you guys have a weird launch with the 8800? I heard it took a couple of weeks to even hit the TMO stores! Anyway, can’t we all just get along! All you TMO customers can always buy it and unlock it, not so bad!
me verizon me want good phone NOW!
My supplier was unable to deliver any of these as of yet…
It appears the hype is justified.
Carmelo Lisciotto
Will the T-Mobile version of the Blackberry Curve have myFaves like the 8100 and 8800?? I’m just about ready to throw away my Sidekick 3 and really want to get the Curve but it has to support myFaves. Any idea?
Mike, I would assume the curve would support my faves, every other bb they have does…except the blackberry 8700g.
I wonder what other features this phone will have…
Tmobile Curve won’t be out for at least 3 months, at&t has a 90 day exclusive! However, myfaves will most likely be supported on the device when it’s released for Tmobile.
I got mine yesterday. The only one in town. The nearest town who had one was almost a hundred miles away. I LOVE IT! It’s what the 8800 should’ve been. Anyway, that’s my 1.3 yen.
… thats right, another Verizon customer about to abandon ship as I placed my order for the Curve last night and is en route to me now as we speak.
Verizon, please step up the game and get some more variety! This is why you are losing more and more customers!
Does anyone know when and if ever crappy Nextel will release any new Blackberry, I don’t know what Nextel is thinking rocking the 7520 for $320.
Nextel won’t ever release a BlackBerry again. You’ve got to move over to the Sprint side of the house.
Also Jay,
The 88330 (Sprint/Verizon) which is the CDMA equivalent of the 8800 (GSM) is not quite the same as the GSM version of the phone in some signifcant ways, for one the CPY runs slower but, by the design it is a move to keep the battery drain check. In case you did not know EV-DO phones in general suck power like crazy, so as a result the CDMA version of this phone runs slower to conserve and stilld does not get the battery life of its GSM equivalent. I do not know how long this will continue but it certainly is the case right now. I currently have an 8800 with ATT and could not be happier, service is great all up and down california, amnd all the states I have traveled to so far (Texas, Utah, Ohio).
I had to wait a week for my vzw 8830… worth the wait and I like how it has a bigger screen than the pearl. I would have liked this at&t model, but it’s so much like the 8830 that I don’t mind. Also, it’s good to not have a camera… who cares. If anything you can email photos from your computer to the device. Plus if you’re a lawyer you don’t have to surrender your phone when you enter a courthouse.