The BG does it again, this time getting his hands on the ’08’ – ’09’ Sprint roadmap which tells us the that a new iDEN bearing BlackBerry called the BlackBerry 8350i that supports Nextel Direct Connect will appear in Q4.
The BG does it again, this time getting his hands on the ’08’ – ’09’ Sprint roadmap which tells us the that a new iDEN bearing BlackBerry called the BlackBerry 8350i that supports Nextel Direct Connect will appear in Q4.
If it used Sprints network for calls and Nextel for the PTT, it would be an interesting combo and option. But just relying on the Nextel network for voice isn’t worth the investment in my opinion.
I don’t disagree with your take on the network, but, trust me… It is definitely worth it. There are tons of Nextel subscribers that will flock to this…
Can you say Halleleujah?!?! I was just about to switch carriers reluctantly because Nextel didnt have a “real” or up to date BlackBerry, But this news is enough for me to stick to my favorite network. This phone is great news. I will stay Nextel and wait for this phone and hopefully it will come soon enough…
Isn’t the government reclaiming the spectrum that the Nextel Network runs on in a couple of years? I thought this was the reason RIM previously decided not to come out with any new Nextel BlackBerrys.
It doesn’t sound like it…
4.6? on a curve? So maybe all Curves will be able to use 4.6….. 😉
When will the new Blackberry curve be coming out because my Birthday is in November and I would like to get it then? Anyone know?
Release date for the New Blackberry Curve 8350i will be released 12/01/09.It will be $149.99 after a $100.00 mail in rebate. I will be able to get additional discounts on the device. You can contact me at Our company has locations in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and Wisconsin. We provide sales, service and support for the 5 major cellualr provider. I will be taking pre orders as of 11/2. Take advantage now. They are already have a high demand.
I am an indirect dealer for Nextel/Sprint, T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon. I’m taking pre orders for the new Blackberries being released in the next few week. The Blackberry Bold(AT&T), Storm (Verizon)and Curve(Nextel). You can reach me at to place your pre order. We service individuals and businesses. Additonal discounts will be available when purchasing through our company
Still waiting…
I did get a Sprint brochure today(Dec. 13) in the mail with it on the cover.
A week ago, I went to Sprint and got the Blackberry 8330. Sprint’s 3G network is blazingly fast. Then I saw a colleague with a Blackberry 8350i, so I went back to Sprint and exchanged the 8330 for the 8350i—since my job requires me to also have a walkie-talkie.
The Sprint salesperson did point out that the 8350i runs on the Nextel radio network, but failed to make it clear that Nextel’s network is slow and nowhere near Sprint’s 3G network. The store only had two 8350i’s and I was lucky enough to get one before they were put out as display models.
Now I’m stuck with the 8350i (since Sprint would only allow one return/exchange within 30 days of purchase) which takes 2, 3 or 4 times longer than the 8330 to open a website. Watching is a joke as Nextel’s network is rather slow.
If you love to surf the ‘net, don’t get the 8350i and stick with Sprint’s 8330 or other 8000 models running on the 3G network. But if you use the walkie-talkie more than you surf the ‘net, then get the 8350i.
I know I cannot have everything in one phone such as the 8350i. But considering that I have to now carry only one phone instead of three (and capable of using a 16gig MicroSD compared to the 8330’s 2 gig capacity) —more than outweighs the shortcomings of the 8350i running on Nextel’s network.
Overall, I’m still happy with the 8350i. I only wished that Nextel runs on the 3G network.
I totally agree — I have just purchased the 8350i and am disappointed in the phone because I’m an Internet surfer……but my husband loves the direct connect. We purchased the phones July 2 — maybe I should exchange my phone for a Palm Pre?