Believe it or not, AT&T has stopped selling the iPhone online in the greater NYC Metropolitan are. Fletcher Cook, an AT&T representative said that the the change is a routine one. “We periodically modify our promotions and distribution channels.”
I believe that about as much as I believe that the next version of the iPhone will come equipped with a site to site transporter. The general consensus, one shared by at least a few AT&T sales representatives, is that AT&T’s network is just no longer capable of supporting additional iPhones. Many would argue, myself included, that AT&Ts network has not been capable of supporting devices in general for quite some time.
I am sure that AT&T is doing everything they can to keep the iPhone exclusive on their network, however, I would think that no longer selling them in one of your largest markets is not helping much.
I know that a lot of iPhone users read RIMarkable, so, I will toss this question out there? How many of you would switch to Verizon or Sprint if the iPhone were offered in a CDMA variant?
I know one who wouldn’t. 🙂
I would move to Verizon in a heartbeat. I kinda have already. After year of support calls to AT&T and 2 replaced iPhone 3G because I frigging dropped every other call it seemed like, they let me out of my contract without an EFT. I already had a BlackBerry Tour from work so I just got one of those MiFi cards that allows me to use Wi-Fi on my iPhone which is now just basically an iPod Touch with a camera.
My company is now allowing you to get mail on the iPhone so I would definitely move to a Verizon iPhone if they ever come out with it.
How is it that AT&T says that they have the fastest network? That is a bunch of BS. I have had all three iPhones from the orginal to the 3G S and I would seriously think about moving to Android if I could get out of my contract.
My girlfriend just got a that new Droid and even though when on Wi-Fi, my iPhone is a tiny bit faster, her Droid blows me out of the water when Wi-Fi isn’t available. When we are driving in the car, her, phone doesn’t really notice it, yet my iPhone seems to loose its connection every few minutes and it can’t even get a connection at my parents house when she gets like 3 bars.
I have a question for you Rob…
It seems like there are a lot of would be iPhone users out there if they could get the iPhone on a network other than AT&T. If Verizon were to offer the iPhone, do you see that being a problem for RIM?
In a word… Absolutely…
There would undoubtedly be BlackBerry users currently on Verizon that would switch over to the iPhone on Verizon, however, I think the biggest problem for RIM would be Verizon subscribers looking at their first smartphone that now have the iPhone on Verizon as an option.
I’m not an iPhone user and wouldn’t think about switching from my BlackBerry. However, if the iPhone users want to see what real phone service and 3G speed really is, its time for the exclusive to end and bring them to a CDMA network. AT&T has already been proven to be a bad network in several parts of the US market. So what if you can browse the net and talk on the phone at the same time, I really don’t see that as a “good” thing as most people don’t do it. Not to mention, is battery life that important to waste just to do it at the same time? I say, bring on the iPhone to the CDMA networks, let them get a taste of real services.
“I know that a lot of iPhone users read RIMarkable,” ha ha ha ha Nice excuse for posting a iPhone and AT&T story here at ha ha ha ha
Why? Let’s not forget cdma is a end of life technology when it comes to commercial wireless networks anyways. verizon is in the process of upgrading it’s network to standard, open global LTE/GSM. Going with qualcomm and cdma might have been verizon’s biggest and most expensive mistake ever, though big reds latest cash grab scheme will cost them too Lucky for verizon customers parent vodafone stepped in to point out and dictate a solution. Like most hardware makers, making a alternative device for what little cdma is left out there just doesn’t make sense. Unlike RIM who the iPhone most likely forced into developing more cdma devices, Apple has little to no reason to develop for a rapidly shrinking minority when the iPhone was designed for the majority of the communications networks around the globe. When verizon gets upgraded to LTE/GSM is probably when the iPhone running standard, open, global GSM technology will be able to be compatible with verizon.
Don’t worry this “news” of the iPhone and AT&T will be cleared up shortly and even more verizon Blackberry customers will be able to upgrade to Apple’s iPhone, the state of the art device running on AT&T’s state of the art communications network. However if you all can’t wait just go by your nearest AT&T store or Apple store and pick up one so that you too can ring in 2010 with a up to date device. “PC World peer Brendan Slattery points out that the iPhone can still be found in New York if you go to a brick and mortar store. It’s just not (currently) available online. (in NYC zip codes)”
“AT&T’s state of the art communications network”…you should do stand up.
Wow… I have never seen anyone cheerlead for AT&T like that. I can’t really tell if you are serious or not.
Not that Verizon is much better because the lock everything down and charge more for stuff that already comes on your phone, but, if they do come out with an iPhone, I will more than likely switch. I guess it comes down to making calls and using data at the same time in theory as compared to actually being able to make calls or use data pretty much at all times.
When it comes down to the worse of two evils, dropped calls and ridiculously slow data speeds, or, great network but having to deal with the usual Verizon BS, I’ll take the later.
As The Rock predicted above, it’s all better now. Don’t stop “believing” Much ‘ado about nothing. A few hours overnight hours people with NYC zip codes can’t order a iPhone on line and everyone freaks worse than the three times a week that the BB network sh*ts the bed. Other providers and other smartphones must be much worse than anyone can imagine with people freaking out that they couldn’t upgrade to Apple’s iPhone, the state of the art device running on AT&T’s state of the art communications network for a few hours at the tail end of a holiday weekend. Heck perhaps the NYC area store stock of the iPhone dropped and the “We periodically modify our promotions and distribution channels.” It’s TRUE! It’s TRUE! claims The Rock’s fellow wrestler Kurt Angle.
Biz Break: Apple mysteries: AT&T resumes online iPhone sales in NYC
AT&T resumes online sales of iPhones in NYC – 12/28/2009 08:40:08 AM PST
As history teaches most will go with the Apple’s iPhone, the state of the art device running on AT&T’s state of the art, and fastest 3G communications network in the nation.
AT&T Offers Nation’s Fastest 3G Network
Nation’s Fastest 3G Network Complements Best Global Coverage and Industry-Leading Portfolio of 3G Devices
The Rock reminds everyone who tried (and failed yet again) to jump and the anti-iPhone, anti-at&t bandwagon to Know Your Role.
The Rock – The People’s Champion
Here’s another reason for the low iPhone stock after the long holiday weekend…
Waterford Crystal : Clink-Clink iPhone App
Thanks Waterford Crystal! Everyone will be ringing in the new year with Waterford’s Clink-Clink app, at&t, Apple’s iPhone, in the greatest city in the world NYC!
OMG, he’s about to spin off the planet. This is classic. Can someone actually make this sh*t up?
You go Rock! The Waterford Crystal app is just another good reason why…I love your logic.
Hey Rock, “open, global GSM technology” it really is (stressing “open”) now that the code has been leaked out on the internet to hack it. So, is it really “state of the art” technology…still?
CDMA may reaching the end of its life, but it’ll be a couple of years before the last nail is driven into the coffin. If a CDMA iPhone comes to Verizon in 2010, there is probably enough time for customer’s to complete a 2-year contract cycle before the 4G network is finished. Verizon and Apple could make a killing on customers defecting from AT&T and new customers. They can make a second killing on upgrades when the 4G network is in place. I’m sure Apple has some early-out clause that they can exercise to get out of their exclusivity agreement with AT&T.
“there is probably enough time for customer’s to complete a 2-year contract cycle before the 4G network is finished.”
“Verizon and Apple could make a killing on customers defecting from AT&T and new customers.”
“I’m sure Apple has some early-out clause that they can exercise to get out of their exclusivity agreement with AT&T.”
The Rock says don’t let personal desperation for a Apple’s iPhone, the state of the art device running on AT&T’s state of the art communications network cloud your thinking or waste any time trying to think up mythical solutions of the Apple iPhone wasting it’s time on cdma networks. Although those are all sadly typical verizon cash grab, greed type actions, it will not magically fix another MAJOR drawback of obsolete cdma technologies problem of only being able to handle voice or data at one time which is something state of the art smartphones / hand sized computers like the Apple iPhone are designed to do. Little red might try to again “Shine it up real nice, turn it sideways, and stick it straight up your candy-ass!” but thats not how Apple and the iPhone operate. Buying a device designed for a obsolete, planned to be replaced cdma network, which doesn’t allow global use will not make anyone who purchases this mythical device very happy. Like most hardware makers, making a alternative device for what little cdma is left out there just doesn’t make sense. Apple has little to no reason to develop for a rapidly shrinking minority, closed non-global technology when the iPhone was designed for the majority of the communications networks around the globe.
Six smart, real, easy, cost effective steps for any current verizon or sprint to upgrade to Apple’s iPhone, the state of the art device running on AT&T, the nation’s fastest 3G network which complements GSM global coverage for the new year 2010:
How to Switch to an iPhone
“The jabroni beating, pie eating, trail-blazin’, eyebrow raisin’, all around, smack it down People’s Champ, The Rock!”
I can’t understand why you even post on this site, and even more so, how Robb continues to let you do so. If it was once or twice that you post what you post, fine…but you do it over, and over, and over, etc. It brings down the integrity of the site, as well as what you contribute.
Several theories but here are the facts:
“On Monday, the Associated Press reported that the reason AT&T (temporarily) stopped online sales may have been to prevent fraudsters from buying phones, reneging on contracts, and then selling the devices to others.”
“An AT&T spokesperson offered up a third reason by saying “”We periodically modify our promotions and distribution channels.”
“Despite AT&T’s own Web site sales blackout, the iPhone was still available in its own retail stores, Apple Stores, and Apple’s retail Web site. AT&T isn’t elaborating on the incident, and is sticking by its spokesperson’s statement even after resuming online sales.”
“Because the phones were still available in New York retail stores and from Apple’s website, the ban may have instead been an attempt to curb buyers who renege on the service contracts and resell the phones to customers of other carriers overseas.”
“Sales of the iPhone through AT&T and Apple retail stores in the New York area, as well as via Apple’s Web site, were unaffected.”
“One explanation might be that a sudden surge in orders for iPhones to be delivered to a small number of addresses in the New York area triggered AT&T’s response out of concern that those phones might then be unlocked and shipped overseas to a country where the iPhone isn’t yet offered. In that scenario, AT&T would be losing out on subscription revenue for phones it is selling at a subsidized price ranging from $199 to $299. The move may have been meant as a temporary measure.
Another potential explanation: some type of credit card fraud. According to payment processing firm CyberSource (CYBS), more than 1% of orders placed with merchants in the U.S. and Canada in 2008 later turned out to be fraudulent, and the rate of fraudulent orders was double that for consumer electronics products.”
As The Rock was predicting, Don’t stop “believing” Much ‘ado about nothing. However one thing continues to be crystal clear, Apple’s iPhone, the state of the art device running on AT&T, the nation’s fastest 3G network matters and is leading the industry. When’s the last time anyone freaked out when a BB was not available to be sold online in a few zip codes for a few short hours? The Rock says along with reality and truth consumers need to remember to think and to think big picture.
@ The Rock, I like your info. However, I’m wondering why you think that CDMA is dying? Where as CDMA is “Only Based” in North America, I will say is inaccurate. I have a World Based phone. CDMA in North America and GSM in non-CDMA network areas.
CDMA isn’t dying. It will eventually be replaced by LTE and phased out gradually but it is far from dying. There are more CDMA users in the U.S. now than there have ever been.