Apple’s iPhone is the first “BlackBerry Killer” that I really think could give Research in Motion all that they could handle. Before you think that I have gone completely nuts, let me explain myself.
I was just watching Squawk Box this morning and the had a piece on the long time rumored iPhone from Apple. It looks like this thing just might see the light of day first or second quarter next year. When the iPhone does come out I think that it will give the BlackBerry competition unlike anything it has ever seen before. On the consumer side of things that is.
The BlackBerry Pearl has done better than even what the most die-hard BlackBerry supporters could have ever imagined and the next wave of consumer oriented BlackBerrys will sell like crazy as well. The BlackBerry brand is one of the strongest here in the United States, however, if you think that it comes anywhere close to where Apple’s iPod sits, I’m not the only one going nuts.
When Apple releases the iPhone it will compete directly against the Pearl as far as consumers, especially first time smartphone buying consumers are concerned. The Pearl appeals to consumers looking to buy their first smart phone. The iPhone will appeal to everyone who owns an iPod looking to upgrade to the latest greatest version along with consumers looking for their first smartphone.
I hate to say it, however, if you are walking through the mobile phone section of Best Buy and see an iPhone next to the BlackBerry Pearl, unless you were just interested in the BlackBerry, the iPhone would probably pull your eye more simply because it would be perceived as an upgrade to your existing iPod as compared to a completely new type of mobile phone.
When Apple comes out with the iPhone Research in Motion will definately notice in their consumer BlackBerry sales and probably not so much in their corporate BlackBerry sales. The issue for RIM, however, is that they’ve already won the corporate smartphone/PDA war but the battle for consumer users is just beginning.
uh .. there’s no indication that the iphone will be a “smart phone” … not that i’ve seen anyway
Honestly Daniel, I think that matters a lot less than you think. It will take pictures, play music, absolutely allow you to send text messages and probably email. For most consumers, this is smart enough.
The more I think about it the more that I think that you are spot on. For most consumers, a smartphone is nothing more than a mobile phone with an appointment book. There is no doubt that an iPhone would be big.
I don’t see any worry at all. Apple is a new player in this market and are betting heavily upon the iPod brand loyalty to sell phones. I for one am fed up with iPods, I’m going Zune next year, and this is becuase I feel Apple are the new Microsoft – rather than make iPods with an FM radio for example, just make the current iPod a bit smaller and make it in a few more colours, thus making a newer model just months after everyone has already upgraded….sound like anyone we know *cough* Microsoft *cough*. If Apple think the success of iPod means people will automatically buy an Apple mobile phone they’re stupid. Apple aren’t even making it themselves, at least RIM make the hardware and software. Lazy Apple, you’re losing it!!!!
I don’t think RIM has to worry about Apple. I don’t think RIM consumers are the same as apple iPhone market. If we look at apples past they make products that do one thing well and everything else so so. Look at the iPod. It is an easy to use music player. It does it job of being easy and does it well. But can you see using your ipod as a contact manager. I don’t even bother syncing my contacts to my iPod. Not even on my mac where it is almost automatic. Why when I have a blackberry that is up to date.
I think apple is going to put out a phone and music player in one. It is going to have limited features dealing with contacts and calendars. It will be a consumer phone that will be the new toy everyone has to have, but it will be far from the blackberry killer.
If Apple was smart they would license “push email” from RIM, if there offering doesn’t synch with Outlook and support BES, they will make no headway whatsoever into RIM’s user base, of Exchange loving biz people.
BBAdmin, your’re right about Apple playing off of iPod brand loyalty. This is the exact reason, Daniel, that even though the iPhone will be the new kid on the block when it comes to mobile phones, it will be the new kid with the really cool new bicycle.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think that the iPhone will even try to compete for users that truly are interested in the best PDA/Phone on the market. I do think, however, that they will target consumers that still haven’t moved to their first smartphone. Many of these same consumers are already iPod users and, as to your point BBAdmin, the iPhone will truly be more than just the same old iPod but in a smaller case.
I can tell you that if it looks as ugly as the thing shown in the picture above I don’t think anyone has anything to worry about.
This looks very spoof like to me, there is no way that that is an official apple design!
For a start why would they bring back the buttons around the wheel, if they have added a touch screen?
I believe that these are just photoshop mockups from about a year or so ago. I am sure the the actual iPhone won’t look anything like these.
Apples original iPhone game plan was to release two phones: one similar use to the Moto ROKR (Just a simple phone and iTunes) and the other a smart phone in the same vien as the BB Pearl. Back in early october the smart phone realease was pushed back to Q3 or Q4 2007. Now, the iPhones design (Released to manufactures earlier this week) is in the style of their Nano. I do not believe that there will be any real drop in BB sales due to the iPhone release. I was waiting eagerly to purchase the iPhone as my next phone however their (non-official) announcement of the smart phone push back caused me to go right to BB shopping.